
The ICEGG website provides a brief introduction to our activities. If you would like to find out more about any aspect of our work, we would be delighted to hear from you.

Professor Washington Yotto Ochieng

Professor Washington Yotto OchiengBSc, MSc, PhD, CEng, FICE, FRIN, FInstCES, FCIHT
Chair in Positioning and Navigation Systems
Head of the Center for Transport Studies
Director, Imperial College Engineering Geomatics Group

Tel: +44 207 5946104
Fax: +44 207 5946102


ICEGG is located within the Centre for Transport Studies (CTS), which is part of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London. The CTS is located in the Skempton Building on South Kensington Campus.

Centre for Transport Studies (CTS)
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Skempton Building,
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London

London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom

Travel information and campus maps