Academic Visitors
VisitorShort Biography

 Prof Luciano Greco

Prof Luciano Greco

Luciano is Professor of Public Economics at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Padua in Italy. He is fellow researcher of CRIEP (Interuniversity research centre on public economics) and has been visiting scholar in several international research institutions. Luciano’s main research interests are in the field of public economics, notably public infrastructures, public-private partnerships, fiscal policy, social services, fiscal decentralization. He has worked as consultant for public and private bodies. He is currently vicepresident of Interporto Padova Spa and member of the board of the Italian association of dry ports and freight villages

 Prof Rudy Negenborn

Prof Rudy Negenborn

Rudy is assistant Professor at the Department of Marine and Transport Technology at Delft University of Technology. He received the MSc degree in computer science from Utrecht University in 2003, and the PhD degree from the Delft Center for Systems and Control of Delft University of Technology in 2007. His more fundamental research interests are in the areas of distributed control, multi-agent systems, model predictive control, and optimization. He applied the developped theories to address control problems in large-scale transportation and logistics systems. this research is partly carried out within the framework of an NWO/STW VENI Innovational Research Grant of the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research. In addition, Rudy is editor of the books "Distributed Model Preditice Control Made Easy" and "Intelligent Infrstractures" 
Summary of the table's contents
Affiliates & Alumni
AlumniShort Biography

 Dr Giovanni Barletta

Dr Giovanni Luca Barletta

Giovanni completed his PhD at Imperial College London. He obtained his MSc in Business Engineering at Politecnico of Bari and worked afterwards as a consultant focusing mainly on port security and Ro-Ro shipping in the Mediterranean. He later obtained his MSc in Transport with Business management from Imperial College. He also collaborated with Politecnico of Bari in researches on RFID applications. His current research interests are on the market structure of the liner shipping industry and on the influence of smart technologies in port security.

 Dr Precious Ikem

Dr Precious Ikem

Precious completed her PhD at Centre for Transport Studies, Imperial College London where she also obtained a master's degree (MSc) in Structural Engineering. She previously graduated from the University of Nottingham with an undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering. She has past work experience in the structural engineer ing of Roads and Rails. Her interest lied in the role of road and rail access to ports in economic development of developing countries. 

 Dr Evelina Klerides

Dr Evelina Klerides

Evelina completed her PhD at the Business School, Imperial College London. Her research deals with applying Operational Research and Stochastic Programming techniques on various project scheduling problems. She graduated from the University of Cambridge with an undergraduate degree in Mathematics and obtained her MSc in Operational Research from the London School of Economics. She recently obtained a Research Assistant position at Imperial College, focusing on the application of Stochastic Programming on Automated Guided Vehicles in ports.  

 Dr Tina Qianwen Liu

Dr Tina Qianwen Liu

Tina currently works for Drewry Shipping Consultants Ltd. She graduated with her Ph.D degree from University College London in 2010. Her research is on container terminal efficiency analysis. During her Ph.D, she has completed an internship in COSCO. Prior to her Ph.D. She was engaged in constituting the eleventh 'five-year' (2005-2010) Beijing transport plan, which is aimed at ensuring the best transport service during the 2008 Olympics in Beijing and the sustainable development of Beijing. Her first degree is Tansport Engineering from Beijing University of Technology. 

 Dr Xin Liu

Dr Xin Liu

Xin completed his PhD at Centre for Transport Studies, Imperial College London where he also obtained his MSc in Transport. Before that he was awarded his BSc and BEng at Dalian Maritime University. He has been involved with the improvement of the government administrative efficiency on logistics industry research scheme at DMU China. Since the begining of his postgraduate career he expanded his research topic to the game theory in container liner shipping market. His research interests lie in the container flow modelling and port choice. 

 Dr Hamed Nikhalat

Dr Hamed Nikhalat

Hamed completed his PhD at Centre for Transport Studies, Imperial College London. He obtained his MSc in Marine Structures Engineering from Univeristy of Tehran, where he was previously awarded a BSc in Civil Engineering. He has past experiences in maritime con sultancy, and bulk terminal design in particular. His research interests are on the design, modeling and optimization of liquid bulk terminals. 

 Dr Nang Laik Ma

Dr Nang Laik Ma

Nang is currently a Practice Assistant Professor of Information Systemsa PhD student at the Singapore Management University. She obtained her PhD from the Tanaka Business School, Imperial College London, where she undertook research in mathematical programming of real-world assignment, transportation and scheduling problems. She graduated in 2000 with a Master of Science in computational engineering from MIT and NUS. She then worked for three years in PSA (Port of Singapore) as a Senior System Analyst, and accumulated a good knowledge and experience in yard planning and optimisation for containers stacking assignments. 

 Dr Konstantinos Zavitsas

Dr Konstantinos Zavitsas

Konstantinos completed his PhD at CTS, Imperial College London from where he obtained a MEng in Civil Engineering. He has held placements at the Greek Helenic Railway Organisation where he was involved in the construction of the new railway cargo terminal of Athens at Thriasio. Since the beginning of his research at Imperial, he has worked in the areas of shipping route optimization, robustness and security. His research is on the simulation and analysis of global shipping networks of energy and oil products.  

 Mr Thalis Zis

Mr Thalis Zis

Thalis is a postdoctoral research associate at the Department of Transport at the Technical University of Denmark. At the same time he has been completing his studies at PORTeC, focusing on the identification of the environmental impact of container ports and on ways to reduce the emissions associated with the port's operation. Thalis holds a Dipl. Ing. in Mechanical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and also graduated with an MSc in Transport from Imperial College London. His research interests include Maritime Logistics, Operations Research, emissions modelling and Fluid Mechanics. 
Summary of the table's contents