The EPICS Centre’s mission is to emerge as the global scientific leader in developing transformative solutions for the transition towards a grid powered entirely by renewable energy. This ambition is not just an aspiration; it's a necessity for combating the significant carbon emissions originating from the global electric power sector. Equally vital is our role in supporting the decarbonization of key sectors such as transportation, heating and cooling, and industry.
EPICS stands as a global multidisciplinary cradle-to-grave innovation and implementation ecosystem, engaging stakeholders from academia and industry. Our commitment extends to accelerating the transfer of ground-breaking solutions, ensuring a rapid and effective response to the pressing challenges faced by the transforming power grids. In this pursuit, global and multi-stakeholder partnerships are not just desirable but critically important.
The EPICS Centre represents a paradigm shift, blurring the boundaries between traditionally separated academic and industry research activities in the global clean-energy space. Here, we undertake cutting-edge research to address the gaps in efficiency, reliability, resiliency, and sustainability of a power grid with 100% renewable energy.
11th Floor, EEE Building, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London, SW7 2AZ.
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