Getting stuck in and doing hands-on research is the course highlight for every postgraduate student. We work with you to find a project that matches your interests, and it could involve anything from climbing trees in a tropical jungle to counting penguins in Antarctica or applying the latest methods in AI to understand the evolution of life. Anything is possible! You can find out more about our students' experiences with projects below.
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Jinxuan Cui, MRes EEC, 2024-2025
I am currently exploring a project on the influence of reforestation on biodiversity with a specific focus on the impacts of edge effects, forest coverage and other environmental factors on Amazonian frogs. My project uses AudioMoth, a low-disturbance, low-cost tool to collect acoustic data and monitor biodiversity changes. I am developing an algorithm to identify the specific frog species from recordings captured in the Amazon forest in Brazil which could reduce the time required to detect the presence of frogs.
Vicky Lin, MRes Living Planet Eco, Evolution & Conservation
My project focuses on the acoustic communication of the house sparrow. The fieldwork takes place on Lundy Island which is home to many house sparrows, and the monitoring is started in 1990 and became systematic in 2000. I am exploring patterns and features of calls by analysing audiomoths, in order to see the underlying messages conveyed through acoustic communication among house sparrows.