We hope that our students get the most out of their time at Silwood Park, and our commitment to our students continues beyond graduation.
Being an Imperial Silwood Park alumnus means being part of a global network – a distinguished group of leaders, problem solvers and innovators. Our alumni team and global networks organise events, and provide support, advice, opportunities, services and benefits for alumni at varied stages of their careers.
Ecology careers
- Find out about career pathways and insights from alumni in our Ecology Careers leaflet.
Our Silwood Student Experience team host careers events for our students. Some examples are below:
- Careers Consultant onsite once a term, offering one-to-one appointments for CVs and application checks, interview practice, career planning, decision making and advice on further study.
- Data Science Careers event - with a panel of ex-Silwoodians who now work in data science career areas. They give talks, answer questions and participate in discussions for current Masters students , followed by networking.
- Outduction careers event - tips, advice and more to aid students in their transition to life after Silwood, delivered by Allegis Global Solutions.