
Ben Howes, PhD 2019- 2024
My PhD brought together theoretical models and global quantitative data to explore how species and communities respond to land-use change.
I found my PhD extremely rewarding. Specifically, I enjoyed being able to pick and choose the questions that I found most interesting, allowing me to explore a wide array of topics, and gain a variety of skills. Silwood Park was a great place to complete my PhD, it has a unique community feel where everyone is happy to help and keen to hear more about your work.

Jamie Dunning PhD - 2019 - 2024
My PhD focussed on the influence of the social environment on the reproductive ecology of birds. We used a house sparrow system on Lundy Island to test questions on the cost/benefits of being sociable and female engagement in extra-pair reproduction.
My route into academia was not straight forward, but I found an exciting and supportive research environment at Imperial, fostered by my supervisors.
My PhD has led me to post-doctoral study on real-world applications of networks of wild birds, and the factors that shape them (most recently the transmission on High Pathogenic Avian Influenza).