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An Imperial staff member showing a local resident how to use their camera at What the Tech

What the Tech?! at the Edward Woods Community Centre

What the Tech?! at the Edward Woods Community Centre

What the Tech?! at the Edward Woods Community Centre

Do you or a friend or relative want a little bit of help with your phone, tablet or laptop? 

Why not come down to the next What the Tech?! session. Aimed at local residents over 50, What the Tech?! offers informal help and advice about using your phones, tablets or laptops, or with carrying out online tasks. Help is offered on an individual basis by our friendly team of student volunteers from the Imperial College Business School. In these free sessions, people can bring along any device or online task they want a bit of help with.

What the Tech?! runs from 14.30 - 16.30 every Wednesday between 19 February and 19 March 2025. To register, please call Jacquie on 07732681738
or Tina on 07738789427.

Sessions run at the Edward Woods Community Centre. Please remember to bring your phone, tablet or laptop with you and to book your place at this event in advance. Registering your place helps us to manage numbers and ensures that we have enough volunteers to run these as 1:1 sessions. Light refreshments will be provided.

Address: Edward Woods Community Centre, 60 Norland Rd, London W11 4TX

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