Venue hire

For College venue hire, please contact the Conferences office, +44 (0)20 7594 9494.

Events support for staff

To successfully manage an Imperial event there are a number of steps which event organisers should follow prior, and in the lead up, to an event.

The events team has created a checklist for preparing to run an event. The list is not exhaustive, but gives guidance as to what should be considered when running an event. The timescale for planning events will be individual to each event. Some events should be planned at least a year in advance, while others can be planned within a few weeks. It is advisable to commence your event planning as early as possible. If the event has a specific set of people that you wish to invite, you may consider using an invite template spreadsheet that can easily be turned into a postal mailing list for labels if invites are to be sent. 

If you wish to have a photographer at your event, check out the photography guidelines to ensure that the photos can be widely used for College purposes and the correct permissions are obtained for their use.

If you are hosting a high profile internal event, or are expecting VIP guests, you may wish to contact the events office to discuss planning. Please contact the Institutional Events team at

If you have any additional queries about your individual events please contact the events office. If you are planning on recording the event to be made available to view online, either through streaming or via a video or audio sharing platform, please use the College's guidelines for the production of lectures. Check out the college guidance for filming your event.

Contact us

For further information about events at Imperial, please contact:

Data and Operations Coordinator
Chelcie Ratcliffe

Events Marketing and Communications Officer
Amy Brown