
Translating discoveries in quantum science into transformative quantum technologies.

Through enabling digital technologies, quantum science has already revolutionised the world. Since this first revolution, our understanding of quantum nature has evolved, and we are now entering a new age of opportunity for engineering to translate the quantum science of superposition and entanglement into transformative technologies for timing, sensing, navigation, imaging, communications and computing. These will impact on major industries across energy, construction, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, defence, finance, security and information technology.

Quantum research is at an exciting junction, engaging the disciplines of physics, chemistry, computer science, materials and, increasingly, engineering, to push forward the boundaries of quantum technology. The College’s Centre for Quantum Engineering, Science and Technology (QuEST) was established to support the College as an international leader of the second revolution by combining our existing excellence in relevant fundamental underpinning science with our expertise in engineering and translation.

In keeping with the College’s emphasis on translational research and innovation and its convening power, the overarching theme of the QuEST is Quantum Interfaces. This reflects the holistic approach required for the successful deployment of quantum technologies that includes the physical interfaces between quantum and classical systems and the broader human interfaces that are critical for usable applications, successful entrepreneurship, and industrial uptake. QuEST will facilitate cross-disciplinary collaboration and highlight the College’s contributions in three selected focus areas:

  1. Materials for Quantum Technologies
  2. Quantum Internet
  3. Applications of Quantum Computing

QuEST is led by Professor Peter Haynes.

Visit the QuEST webpage to find out more.

Download the Academic Strategy Summary [PDF, 7.5 MB]Download the Academic Strategy [PDF, 5.5MB]