We believe everyone should be enabled to engage with their I-Explore or Horizons module to the best of their ability, and aim to accommodate your needs. 

If you have a disability, specific learning difficulty, enduring health or mental health condition which may affect your participation or assessment in your module, please speak to your module lead who will discuss your needs with you and can direct you to the appropriate College services and resources. 
If you already have a Suggested Reasonable Adjustments Document (SRAD) agreed with the College Disability Advisory Service (DAS), please let your module lead and the CLCC Disabilities officer know and send your SRAD to the disabilities officer by email. We will also liaise with your home department to ascertain if any additional adjustments are required. 

Students taking a BPES module as part of I-Explore should refer to the guidance on the Hub

Additional Exam Arrangements

If you have approved Additional Exam Arrangements (AEAs) already in place, please alert the CLCC Disabilities officer and we will verify with your department.  If you believe you may be entitled to these arrangements for your Horizons/ I-Explore assessments please liaise with your home department Disabilities Officer and see the guidance on applying for additional examination arrangements on the College website.