I-Explore modules are a compulsory part of your undergraduate curriculum. You must pass your I-Explore module to gain enough credits to pass the year. You get a numerical mark that will go on your transcript although this numerical mark will not be included in the calculation of your final degree result.

Meaningful engagement, including consistent attendance and constructive participation in both on-campus and online classes is expected. Lack of engagement will limit your learning and may negatively impact the mark that appears on your transcript. The successful running of I-Explore modules for the enjoyment and enrichment of all participants is dependent upon everyone contributing and interacting responsibly throughout the module. You are therefore expected to demonstrate good academic citizenship by attending and meaningfully participating in all the sessions.

Attendance will be monitored in modules which contain group work, active discussion, or case study work and, in the interest of your wellbeing, non-attendance will be followed-up with your home Department.

If you have a valid reason for missing a class you must email your lecturer, in advance where possible, to inform them of your absence. This is in addition to any reporting required by your course or home Department or visa status. Your absence can then be authorised. Please note that pressure of work or an impending deadline are not considered to be valid reasons for authorised absence. 

If you are a Year 2 MBBS student, please also read Clinical Placements for Medical Students