Web site and document access - Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. When I click a link I have to enter my user name and password. Why is this?

A. The website is mostly available to public viewing. Some areas are only available to College Users with an Imperial log-in. You may be prompted to enter your college user name and password to verify this.

Q2. When I enter my log-in I still can't get access?

A. Some areas of the website and some documents are restricted. If you think you should be able to access these please contact the Risk Manager.

Q3. When I try to open a document it does not open until I click the application icon (Word, Excel etc) in the Taskbar at the bottom of the screen. Why is this?

A. If you already have a file open of the same type (Word, Excel etc) Windows requires that you move the focus to the application before it will open a new document. If you do not already have the application open when you click the link Windows will ask if you want to open or save the file, and if you choose open it will do so directly.

Q4. When I try to open a document it shows it is in sharepoint and will not allow me to access it. Why is this?

A. Either the document is restricted or the log-in box has defaulted to the sharepoint path: Change the User name text to ic\username where username is your College log-in nam‌e

Q5. When I try to open page or a document it does not work?

A. Either the document or page is restricted and you need to log in, or there is a broken link or a fault. if you think there is a problem on the site please report it to the Risk Manager.