Florian RathgeberSupervised by: David Ham & Paul Kelly

What is he doing now: Works with the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting.

I was a PhD candidate in the Software Performance Optimisation Group in the Department of Computing. My research was mostly concerned with delivering high-level tools in the hands of scientists, allowing them to work very productively and run simulations efficiently on a range of modern multi- and many-core platforms.

I was the lead developer of the open source projects PyOP2, a framework for performance-portable parallel computations on unstructured meshes, and Firedrake, an automated system for the portable solution of partial differential equations using the finite element method (FEM), built on top of PyOP2.

Now involved in designing and developing HPC software for storing, interpolating, post-processing and archival of weather forecast and observation data and scheduling computations on this data.



PhD Admissions Tutor

Dr. Giuliano Casale

PhD Programme Administrator
Dr. Amani El-Kholy