What can be recycled?
Most clothes, shoes and textiles can be recycled, but do see the 'No' section which follows. Donations should be clean, dry, and bagged up. Shoes should kept securely in pairs.
What is included?

- Clothing (clean and dry)
- Shoes (tied in pairs)
- Handbags
- Books
- CDs & DVDs
- Jewellery
- Games
- Toys
- Home ware

- Duvets/Quilts
- Pillows/Cushions
- Blankets
- Carpet/Rugs
- Glass
- Metal
- Paper
- Video cassettes
- Rubbish
Where do I put it?
- Donations should be placed in your selected BHF bank through the drum at the front. There are donation banks at South Kensington (Outside Eastside Halls), Hammersmith (Outside commonwealth Building) and Woodward Buildings in North Acton.
Who collects them?
- Banks are regularly emptied by the BHF and additional collections can be made upon request.
What happens then?
- Collected donations are taken to a local BHF shop where items are hand sorted and most are sold at that shop.
How 'green' is this waste stream?
- The donation bank is re-used
- Donations are collected by a local BHF driver working for a local BHF shop
- All suitable donations are sold in local BHF shops
- Each year the BHF prevent thousands of tonnes of items going to landfill
- Any items that cannot be sold in the BHF shops are passed on to other organisations that can reuse and recycle them, so BHF still make money from them
- Your donations prevent needless use of landfill sites or incineration