If you discover a fire

  • Raise the alarm.
  • Contact Security at the earliest possible time. 

Only fight the fire if:

  • You have been trained in the use of extinguishers. 
  • It is safe for you to do so.
  • Your escape route is clear.
  • The fire can easily be controlled by using only 1 extinguisher.

If you have to use an extinguisher:

  • Check there are no live electrics - switch off power first.
  • Do not use a fire extinguisher to put out a fire involving burning gas, turn off the gas if it is safe to do so or leave the fire for the Fire Brigade.
  • Never play or tamper with fire extinguishers. If one is used or damaged, report it so that it can be checked or recharged.

Action in the event of a fire

Water extinguisher

A water extinguisher


Red with a red label - suitable for most fires with wood, paper and fabrics, but NOT for fires involving flammable liquids or electrics.


Aim water at the base of the fire.


Electrocution if used on electrical equipment. Worsens the fire if used on flammable liquids as the fire will float on the water. Can cause explosion/fireball if used on boiling oils.