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Grantham Institute Outlook 2011

Topics: General
Type: Institute reviews
Publication date: 2011

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A consideration of the forcings of climate change using simple physics - Grantham Discussion Paper 2

Topics: Earth systems science
Type: Discussion papers
Publication date: 2011

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Climate Science Explained: A Climate Leadership Programme briefing

Topics: Earth systems science, General
Type: Collaborative publications
Publication date: 2011

Response to the DECC consultation on Electricity Market Reform

Type: Evidence & submission papers
Publication date: March 2011

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Solar influences on climate - Grantham Briefing Paper 5

Topics: Earth systems science
Type: Briefing paper
Publication date: March 2011

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Low carbon residential heating - Grantham Briefing Paper 6

Topics: Mitigation
Type: Briefing paper
Publication date: September 2011

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