
Travel health advice and vaccinations

Health clearance is required for

  • Any trip lasting more than 3 months outside of the UK
  • Any tropical country or country where malaria is endemic
  • Any fieldwork involving work in a remote area more than 24 hours away from a medical facility
  • Any work involving high risk acitivities e.g. abseiling, climbing, diving, caving
  • Any dangerous work
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Occupational Health provides travel health advice, immunisations and anti malaria prophylaxis to Imperial College Staff and specified Student groups travelling on College business (e.g. conferences, research or field trips). This service does not extend to holiday travel or families accompanying those on College business.

This is to ensure that those travelling to tropical countries receive recommended vaccinations, appropriate malaria prophylaxis and ensure that health problems can be effectively managed in the field. Health clearance will only be withheld in exceptional circumstances.

Please refer to the College offsite working policy for further information and to see if you are required to carry out a risk assessment. 

Access to healthcare facilities in many countries maybe limited therefore careful consideration will need to be taken before planning a trip. All staff should familiarise themselves with the Staff Travel and Expenses webpage and information about Travel insurance including COVID-19 updates.

Please read the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) website and use it to check country-specific advice.

Please ensure you have Departmental Approval to travel and complete all Risk Assessments to ensure your safety whilst travelling. Your department needs to be satisfied that you are covered by college insurance while you are away.

Evidence of some vaccinations may be a requirement of entry to some destinations, these may include Covid, however Occupational Health do not have access to the Covid vaccine or your NHS records.

It is essential to submit any applications for Travel Clearance in good time before departing. Late Travel Clearance applications cannot always be accommodated.

Tabs - Travel advice

Getting health clearance
Obtaining health clearance

  • Please complete and submit the Travel Health Form using the myCority link. To log in please use single sign on by clicking on the button “Login with SSO”, some users may not be auto enrolled in which case please register using the instructions contained in the myCority Guide. The form will be screened and you will receive your travel health clearance by email along with any recommended vaccines and malaria advice if applicable. The Principal Investigator/Fieldwork Leader will also be copied into the health clearance if applicable. Please note Health clearance is only withheld in exceptional circumstances.

  • You will be asked to book an appointment if you require any vaccines and/or malaria tablets, please wait for your travel health clearance e-mail before calling Occupational Health.

  • Repeat malarial prescriptions may be requested by email. You will need to confirm that there is no change to your health or significant adverse reaction to the tablets used.
Tropical & malarious countries requiring health clearance

The following webpage displays all countries and territories where there is either limited risk of malaria transmission or where malaria transmission occurs. You may also require additional vaccinations where there is a risk of other diseases. If you are travelling outside the UK please visit NaTHNaC Travel Health Pro for vaccination recommendations and arrange a travel appointment with Occupational Health if necessary.

Offsite Radiation/International health clearance

If you require a medical and radiation forms/certificates to be completed from an International Institution, please email Occupational Health.

You will be asked to supply:

1) Offsite Radiation form completed by Safety Department.
2) Medical assessment form from your host written in English.
3) An Occupational Health form which will be provided to you upon receiving the request.

The Imperial College OH clinical team will determine if blood tests are needed. You may require a blood test from the Host institution – we will require proof of what blood test are needed, not just an email chain. The Host’s assessment form will be returned to you once all tests/assessments have been completed.


A growing problem throughout the World
Please ensure you get vaccinations prior to travel & take sufficient medicines with you for your trip