If you are applying for permission to stay in the UK as a Student and have already been living in the UK on a valid visa for 12 months or more on the date of application, you will automatically meet the financial requirement and do not need to show funds for any new application.

  • Holidays and short absences from the UK do not break the 12 month period.
  • If you have not been based in the UK for a significant part of the 12 months, for example for at least 3 months, then you will not meet this requirement and will have to show the financial evidence.
  • If you have had 3C leave or exceptional assurance (during the Covid pandemic) during the 12 months, then this will not break the 12 month period.

If you do not meet this requirement, you will need to have held a set amount of funds for 28 days in the same way as an applicant applying outside UK.

Financial sponsorship - government or international scholarship agency

If you have previously had official financial sponsorship from

  • a government or international sponsorship agency, and
  • the money covered both course fees and living costs and
  • the scholarship is still ongoing or has ended within the 12 months before you submit your visa application

you must have written consent from the financial sponsor to make a new visa application. 

Can I get extra help and advice?

Please ensure you read the UKVI Guidance on the Student Route carefully. This contains all the information about the Route, the eligibility requirements and the supporting documents.

The International Student Support Team offers specialist immigration advice to international students applying to study at Imperial College or who are already studying here. Please email our team if you have any queries.