The Centre for Bio-Inspired Technology includes an Electromagnetics Laboratory equipped for all high-frequency measurement needs.
Location: Bessemer Building, B521
Facility Contacts:
- Alan Bannon (
Within this facility is a large, shielded, certified anechoic chamber, valid up to 34GHz, a 67GHz Agilent PNA with Cascade manual probe station and E-CAL automatic calibration for discrete SMA socketed use (up to 26.5GHz), an 8GHz 40Gs/s Agilent oscilloscope and a Picosecond pulse generator, as well as a host of other miscellaneous instruments. It is unique for the Centre to have access to such a chamber and it provides an ideal test facility for any project involving on-body or in-body antennas and indeed the communication between both. This, in conjunction with equipment such as the Agilent PNA and Dielectric Probe facilitates the use of anatomically and electromagnetically correct bio-phantoms to replicate the losses incurred when sensors and antennas are implanted in the body, leading to quicker prototype development and proof of concept.
Characterisation Services currently include:
- Onwafer probable devices to 67GHz
- SMA terminated prototypes (active or passive) to 26.5GHz
- Biophantom liquids and semi-solids from 200MHz to 26.5GHz
- Anechoic shielded chamber (attenuation from 10MHz to 34GHz) fitted by EMV Ltd.
- Cascade Microtech Summit 9101: 6" RF/Microwave Analytical Probe Station [Brochure]
- Agilent E8361A: 10MHz to 67GHz, Performance Network Analyser (PNA) [Brochure|Datasheet|Installation & Quickstart|User Manual]
- Agilent DSO80804A Ultra-high performance Infiniium oscilloscope (4-channel, 8Ghz, 40GSa/S)
- Rohde & Schwarz SML03: 9kHz to 3.3GHz Signal Generator
- Rohde & Schwarz SMC100A: 9kHz to 3.2GHz Signal Generator
- Rohde & Schwarz ZVL Portable Vector Network Analyzer: 9 kHz to 3 GHz
- Rohde & Schwarz FSV: 10Hz to 7GHz Signal Analyzer
- Rohde & Schwarz FSC6: 9kHz to 6GHz Specrum Analyzer
- Picosecond Pulse Labs 10050A: 100ps-10ns Pulse Generator [Datasheet]
- Agilent 85130F: 2.4mm to 3.5mm Adapter Kit [Operation and Service Manual ]
- Agilent 85070E: Dielectric Probe Kit [Installation Manual|Application Note|Datasheet]
- Agilent N4691B: Electronic Calibration Module [Reference Guide|Datasheet]
Contact us
Centre for Bio-Inspired Technology
Imperial College London
Bessemer Building
South Kensington
Tel: +44 (0)207 594 0701
Fax: +44 (0)207 594 0704