Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: A global analysis of trends.

Ecosystem functions can be defined as “biological, geochemical and physical processes that take place or occur within an ecosystem”, for example, the absorption of carbon dioxide by forests or the cleaning of waterways by wetlands. They contribute to ecosystems’ health, stability, and resilience, and are critical for supporting life. High levels of biodiversity are vital in preserving ecosystem function. There however remains major gaps in our understanding of how ecosystems work, and how this interacts with climate change. The Hitachi-Imperial Centre for Decarbonisation and Natural Climate Solutions has conducted research into this over the last year, producing what we believe to be the world's largest database of how changes in biodiversity affect ecosystem function. In our Briefing Note we draw on this research to present key recommendations for policy makers, in areas such as improving our resilience to environmental hazards and terrestrial carbon sequestration.

Authors: E R Moffett, J H Gayford, G Woodward, W D Pearse

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