For timely and personalised feedback or assessment, software can be used. Specialist software is needed if the subject matter is mathematical. There is a range of software available, but it requires specialist skills to use effectively. The SIG for Software for Online Mathematical Questions is a community for those in Imperial with an interest in this problem. It includes academic staff who use the software, Ed Tech staff who facilitate its use, and ICT staff who manage the software. We have members mostly from FoE and FoNS and have been meeting termly since early 2020. We share our own work, review the use of different software packages, and invite external speakers. We are a supportive community who are happy to help anyone starting out in this direction. We welcome anyone who would like to hear what staff are doing in this area and to make new connections.
This year, the SIG is co-led by:
- Peter Johnson (Principal Teaching Fellow - Faculty of Engineering)
- Phil Ramsden (Director of Cross-Curricular Mathematics Education - Faculty of Natural Sciences)
Meeting Schedule
We convene once a term to ensure everyone has the opportunity to participate and contribute. These meetings serve as a forum for lively discussions, presentations, demonstrations, and networking opportunities.
Communication Channels
Our primary communication platform is Microsoft Teams. Here you will find updates on upcoming events (General Channel).
If you would like to join a SIG, fill out the form here to be added to the mailing list. You will then be informed about future activities.
Meeting history
12.00 - Presentation by guest speaker, Danny Finn from Wolfram Research
12.30 - Lunch and discussion
13.15 - Rapid updates
Danny Finn from Wolfram Research presented their latest technology which included questions with 'autograder' using Wolfram Language; use of the Wolfram Problem Generator; and a Large Language Model combined with Wolfram to provide an auto-tutor.
12.00 - Rapid updates
12.15 - Lunch and discussion
12.30 - Presentation on an evaluation function
13.00 - Presentation by guest speakers ‘Proprep’
Rapid updates from attendees and discussion around related issues. An extended update from Karl Lundengaard on an evaluation algorithm for the Buckingham Pi theorem.
A visit and presentation from software company 'Proprep' to show their 'Boost' software that has been used in Bioengineering and received positive feedback.
View the recording for this event (Imperial login required).
12.00 - Rapid updates
12.25 - Lunch and discussion
13.00 - Presentation by Kevin Buzzard on Lean Interactive Theorem Provider
The group agreed that a demonstration of the new Mobius grading product would be valuable for a future meeting. They have also decided to arrange DigitalEd visits after each SIG meeting . Members shared updates from various projects around College, and a discussion was held around Lean theorem prover and using computers with maths teaching.
View the recording for this event (Imperial login required).
12.00 - Rapid updates
12.25 - Lunch and discussion
13.00 - Guest speaker - DIgitalEd
This session was a targeted feedback discussion group for the DigitalEd team. The team presented their plans for the Mobius product and took feedback from the SIG for purposes of improvement and continuation.
12.00 - Rapid updates
12.25 - Lunch and discussion
13.00 - Guest speakers - Dr. Maarten van Reeuwijk and Dr. Mike Bluck
The main focal point of discussion for this meeting was automated summative feedback on high stakes exams. Dr. Maarten van Reeuwijk (Civil Engineering) presented on his use of Mobius to deliver a high stakes exam. Dr. Mike Bluck (Mechanical Engineering) presented on his use of Wiseflow to deliver a high stakes exam.
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Contact Us
Sign-up here to be on our mailing list and recieve invitations for future meetings. For more information on this SIG, please contact