2023-24 Regulations (A)

These regulations apply to all new and continuing taught programme students with the following exceptions, which are governed by Regulations B


Regs B

Undergraduate Programmes

MBBS Year 5 and 6

Any other undergraduate student that commenced prior to October 2019, has not completed with their original cohort and hasn't transferred to the curriculum reviewed version of the programme.

If you are a student in this position and are unsure of which regulations to follow, please contact your programme administrative team.

Part Time Postgraduate Programmes - Continuing students

Faculty of Engineering

Advanced Mechanical Engineering PT (MSc) Year 3
Concrete Structures 2 and 3-year version (MSc) Year 2 and 3
Earthquake Engineering 2 and 3-year version (MSc) Year 2 and 3
General Structural Engineering (MSc 3 year version) Year 2 and 3
Structural Steel Design 2 and 3-year version (MSc) Year 2 and 3
Transport (MSc 2YPT) Year 2

Imperial College Business School

Executive MBA (2YPT) Year 2
Weekend MBA (21MPT) Year 2
Weekend MBA (Saudi Aramco Stream) (MBA 2YPT) Year 2

Faculty of Natural Sciences

Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Research (MRes 3YPT) Year