Our four themes are supported by four capabilities that enable our excellence in everything we do. 



We work across disciplines, sharing ideas and expertise, to understand and change the world. Many of today’s scientific questions demand perspectives and skills from multiple different areas.


We bring a quantitative approach to our work, embracing the possibilities of data and sophisticated statistical approaches. Our expertise in quantitative approaches is used together with qualitative inquiry to inform a holistic approach to discovery and application.

Entrepreneurial and Engaged


We translate ideas into new products, services and companies, including contributing to industry and the economy.


We collaborate with communities, stakeholders, governments and industry locally, nationally and internationally in order to ensure that our work is relevant, timely, and accessible.

Together, our four capabilities reflect the strengths that make us unique within the UK, and position us to make a distinctive contribution within our strategic themes. While our themes may change over time, our capabilities are the enduring bedrock of everything we do. 

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