The Animated Inclusive Personae

Each character or Animated Inclusive Personae will have a biography which shares their personal and educational details and is based around motivations and frustrations. It also includes a set of 'tags' which as the project develops will help users navigate these personae based on the characteristics that are important for inclusion and for use in teaching, learning, and service delivery.

These tags include the clubs and societies that they are involved in, faculty and departmental codes, information on courses or projects that they are involved in, and personal characteristics that are important. For example, AA denotes the Attributes and Aspirations programme and 'fif' denotes that the character is the first in their family to enter university.

The presentation and development of these characters is still a work in progress so please bear with us.

The AIP artists

Three Imperial student have been employed by the AIP project to create the digital assets that are at the heart of this work. Much of their work is still in development but for a preview of what the outputs may look like and to learn more about the personae characters and how they are structured click on the links above.


  • Ekaterina Kirina

    Personal details

    Ekaterina Kirina Artist


    My name is Kate, I am a year 4 student of BSc Medical Biosciences with Management, and I am very glad to be a part of this project!  Art has been my hobby for over a decade now, and using this opportunity to utilise my skills made me very happy. It was incredibly interesting to learn new software and production pipeline and to collaborate with our wonderful team!

  • Mingke Wang

    Personal details

    Mingke Wang Artist


    First-year PhD student at Dyson School of Design Engineering. Gained previous academic and industrial experiences in fashion, she now focuses on interdisciplinary research in E-textiles and HCI.