Student Partners

We will be working with StudentShapers on a range of projects.

  • Inclusivity Audit for teaching and learning. This project aimed to create a framework for reviewing content to find areas where AIPs can be most usefully deployed. This project has now been completed and an audit process is available for use across the college. Please email if you would like further information.


  •  Pre-sessional maths catalogue. This project ran during the summer break 2024. Students carried out an audit of materials available from across the web to help with first year maths. They then developed a catalogue and a set of Animated Inclusive Personae to deliver this information in an inclusive and accessible way. The pilot version of this catalogue, and more information on the team that created it can be found on the Introductory Maths Catalogue pages


  • We are continuously look for students with skills in character design and animation. The students will develop bespoke AIPs for different scenarios as we work on a range of projects to create the personae behind the animations. More information on our current artists can be found on the animation pages. If you have skills in design or animation using Adobe Creative Suite please email Katie Stripe.