Course details

  • 48 live online learning hours
  • lectures from experts, whole group discussions, small group break out activities, practical projects and case studies.
  • 12 sessions delivering over 6 weeks with 2 sessions per week. (5th March -10th April 2025)
  • Each session is 4 hours in length.
  • All sessions will take place live online delivering via MS Teams or Zoom.
  • Time:  09.00 - 13.00 (UK time)

   See Sessions and dates

Fees: TBC


Register Interest

Teaching Faculty / The Presenters

Dr Gbemi Oluleye (Programme Director)
Lecturer, Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment and Centre for Environmental Policy, 
Imperial College London

Gbemi is a Lecturer at the Grantham Institute, and a member of the Sargent Centre for Process Systems Engineering. She leads a research group/activity on Green Industrial Interventions (GII-Lab). At GII-Lab, we develop participatory uncertainty-resilient decision support frameworks for evaluating, designing, and blending interventions for clean innovation adoption and diffusion in heavy industrial sectors. Our work emphasizes how to achieve competitiveness/ positive tipping points. Gbemi's interdisciplinary research experience and expertise at the interface of Engineering, Policy and Economics places her in the best position to address induced adoption and diffusion of clean innovations for climate change mitigation.

Gbemi received a BSc in Chemical Engineering from the Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria; MSc in Advanced Chemical Process Design at the University of Manchester and; PhD in Process Integration from the University of Manchester. She has over 15 years combined experience in academia and industry. She has worked as the lead researcher in a range of projects in both academia and industry, covering emerging strategies for decarbonising energy intensive industries, novel demand-driven business models to support uptake of technological solutions for industrial decarbonisation, accelerating uptake of advanced waste heat and material recovery technologies in the energy intensive industry, efficient energy integrated solutions for manufacturing industries, integration of renewable energy technologies in small scale industry, hierarchical ordering of alternative technologies for some foundation industries, exploiting energy efficiency in a business model to support technology adoption, fabric integrated thermal storage for low carbon dwellings, quantifying distributed energy potential for the UK, commercialisation of biogas fuelled solid oxide fuel cells in Europe, pathways to commercialisation of clean industrial systems and renewable gas production in Europe.