
16 July 2016

Course details

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Mobile development skills are currently one of the most sought for in the industry. With smartphone and tablet usage steadily growing year by year, it is becoming critical for computing departments throughout the globe to offer mobile solution on pair with traditional desktop ones.

This course introduces the audience (absolute beginner) to the fundamental concepts of Android mobile development with a brief overview of basic programming methodologies. It also explains what is needed to publish your application on the market and with this, the audience is equipped with the knowledge to walk out of the class-room and develop their own mobile Android applications.

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This course is designed to:

  • Explain the basic workflow of building a mobile Android application, including design, coding and testing.
  • Introduce the most common tools used for mobile Android development.
  • Familiarize the audience with basic notions of programming, including the object-oriented paradigm and fundamental XML and Java structures.
  • Give an overview of the publishing process for an Android application.  

The course is designed for people who have no or limited knowledge of programming or mobile development but wish to have an understanding of the process and basic notions involved. This course is not designed for CS professionals seeking mobile development skills.

By the end of the course the participants will have build their own custom native Android application deployable to any Android device with an understanding of how to market and sell the app. They will have a grasp of the basic workflow behind building and deploying software and become familiar with fundamental concepts of programming in both Java and XML. As all the tools used in the course are available free of charge, participants will be able to immediately apply the acquired knowledge outside of the class-room.

The course will mostly consists of hands-on practical sessions interleaved with short explanations of the theory behind what is being done. Each participant will be expected to bring their own laptop to work on and a mobile device to see the outcome of their work in real time. 

"An excellent course."

July 2015 participant