petroleum engineering

October 2020 - March 2021 - Online Only

Course details

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Imperial College London has a long history of both research and teaching in petroleum-related subjects.

It has also a strong involvement with professionals and companies in this essential industry. As part of these activities an annual MSc course in Petroleum Engineering is presented, which is directed towards training professionals in the work flow concepts now prevailing in the oil industry and producing engineers that are fully prepared to work effectively in multi-disciplinary teams.

The programme of this MSc is modular and in response to numerous requests many of the modules have been made available to practising industry professionals who might require updating in various subjects.

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The overall structure is intended to give those attending the full programme a thorough understanding of the reservoir management process, including:

  • the fundamental concepts of reservoir characterisation, reservoir modelling, reservoir simulation, and field management
  • the links between the various types of data
  • the processes for integrating and processing all available information in order to make improved reservoir management decisions.

Although each course is free standing, they have been grouped into appropriate modules:

  • Reservoir Characterisation addresses the reservoir characterisation process and the integration of knowledge from various types of data into a reservoir model.
  • Well Performance deals with well performance prediction.
  • Reservoir Performance is concerned with simulating the behaviour of the reservoir model and the predicting reservoir performance.
  • Field Development concentrates on surface facilities and issues concerning health and safety.

These courses will be suited to petroleum engineering professionals who have the necessary background and who wish to develop their knowledge in specialist areas.

Topics covered will be beneficial to professionals in the earth sciences (geology and / or geophysics); professionals in natural sciences and engineering who are likely to be involved in integrated field and reservoir studies, appraisal/development or reservoir management; and to those who want to learn about the current best practice in the oil and gas industry.