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Petroleum Geology 

  • Introduction to the basic fundamentals of geology
  • Influence of Geologic Characteristics on Appraisal and Development
  • Depositional Controls
  • Pore Space Properties
  • Aquifer Characterisation. Reservoir Zonation and Thickness Mapping
  • Reservoir Characterisation and Geological Modelling

Production Mechanics 

  • Primary and improved/enhanced oil recovery.
  • Primary oil production; reservoir drives and production mechanisms; solution gas, gas cap, aquifer, gravity drainage, compaction. Recovery factors.
  • Secondary recovery; waterdrive, gas injection
  • IOR/EOR. Life of field recovery processes.
  • Gas reservoirs; water influx effects on gas reservoir production.
  • Concepts of depletion planning from reservoir mechanistic point of view.
  • Composition and how it affects reservoir behaviour.

Introduction to Petroleum Reservoir Fluids

  • Phase Behavior, dew and bubble point lines, retrograde condensation
  • PVT behaviour, Peng-Robinson EOS, Phase Equilibria, Rachford-Rice equation, K-values, correlations, fugacity, Thermophysical properties of reservoir fluids

Flow In Porous Media 

  • Diffusivity equation
  • Line-source solution
  • Build-up, multi-rate flow tests and superposition in time
  • Linear boundaries and superposition in space
  • Inner and Outer boundary conditions
  • Advanced mathematical methods
  • Flow of gases in porous media
  • Multi-phase flow

Fluid Sampling and Analysis 

  • Laboratory measurement of PVT
  • Good sampling procedures
  • Volatile oils
  • Other properties - pour point, wax, asphaltenes, hydrates


  • Coring: coring and core analysis
  • Routine (RCAL) and special core analysis (SCAL); sampling strategy; sample screening and preparation; validity of samples and tests; correlations; application of data in reservoir calculations
  • Log analysis: borehole environment, invasion and resistivity profiles
  • Electrical, nuclear and sonic logs
  • Porosity, lithology, saturation and permeability estimation
  • Practices and pitfalls of formation evaluation

Well Test Analysis 

  • Interpretation model
  • Identif ication, verification and mathematical representations
  • Well t est interpretation techniques (straight- line, pressure log-log and pressure derivative analyses)
  • Near wellbore effects, reservoir behaviours, outer boundaries
  • Gas wells
  • Multi phase flow / Special tests
  • Test design
  • Practical considerations

Integration into reservoir model 

  • Geostatistics
  • Object-based and Pixel-based models for reservoir characterisation
  • Multidisciplinary data integration
  • The Do's and Don't's of uncertainty quantification


Well Construction: Drilling and Completion 

  • On-shore and off-sh ore drilling and well engineering
  • Drilling fluids and fluid systems
  • Special drilling operations
  • Well control
  • Environmental concerns & compliance
  • Influence of well design and well completion
  • Effects of depletion, water cut, pressure cycling and shut- in
  • Reservoir compaction, casing collapse and subsidence
  • Bottom-hole completions and treatments

Production Engineering/Well Production

  • Single and multi-phase fluid flow in pipes and Inflow Performance Relationships (I PR) for oil and gas wells
  • Nodal analysis
  • Gas condensate wells
  • Complex wells
  • Well deliverability for oil and gas wells
  • Artif icial lift systems

Reservoir Performance Prediction 

  • Material Balance: Conservation of mass and volume
  • Gas reservoirs
  • Oil res ervoirs
  • Accuracy of material balance equation
  • Fluid displaceme nt models: Immiscible displacement calculations
  • Recovery factor
  • Microscopic, vertical and areal sweep efficiencies
  • Stratified reservoirs
  • Decline curves: Exponential, hyperbolic, Fetkovich decline curve anal ysis. Ranges of validity
    Streamline simulators

Reservoir Performance Prediction and IOR 

  • Water and hydrocarbon PVT behaviour (formation volume factors, solution gas oil ratio etc.)
  • Principal recovery mechanisms (primary: gas cap drive, aquifer, compaction etc., secondary: waterflood, tertiary: miscible, WAG etc.).
  • Darcy’s Law, relative permeabilities, definition of fractional flow


  • Requirements for upscaling
  • Upscaling of scalar properties and two-phase
  • Limitations
  • Validation of upscaled model and best practice

Numerical Reservoir Simulators  

  • Reservoir simulat ion and reservoir management
  • Types of reservori simulators
  • Basic concepts
  • Finite differences
  • Practical use (d a ta preparation: ti me step size and grid selection)
  • Aquifer modelling
  • Use and abuse of simulators
  • Alternative techniques

Petroleum Economics 

  • Capex and Opex
  • Future Cash Flows
  • Measures of Financial Performance
  • Effects of Phased and Incremental Projects
  • Leasing and Outsourcing
  • General Frameworks for Taxation
  • Probabilistic and Monte-Carlo models
  • Decision theory and Criteria
  • External Financing and Loans
  • Futures Markets

Process Engineering and Surface Facilities  

  • Introduction to surface operations
  • Fluid separation
  • Equilibrium flash calculations
  • Processing and conditioning of gas condensates and natural gases
  • Hydrocarbon transportation and storage

Health, safety and environment  

  • Occupational safety and health
  • Legal and administrative aspects
  • Hazard identification and assessment
  • Managing for safety
  • Piper-Alpha tragedy and the Cullen rseport
  • Abandonment issues