Course details

  • Duration: 2-5 days
  • 2 Day course fees:
    - Doctors £395
    - Nurses & AHPs £300
  • 5 Day course fees:
    Doctors £988
    Nurses & AHPs £750
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Dr Jill Warner, Course Director
Reader in Allergy and Immunology

Dr Robert Klaber, co-course director
Bob Klaber is a Consultant in General Paediatrics (based at the St Mary's site) with a longstanding interest in medical education. He has worked in a number of roles across undergraduate and postgraduate medical education. He has particular interest in the development of leadership and other generic professional skills.


Ms Carole Bell, Lead Children’s Commissioner, Inner North West London

Professor Mitch Blair, Reader in Paediatrics and Child Public Health, Imperial College London
Mitch Blair is Reader in Paediatrics and Child Public Health and Undergraduate Course lead for Paediatrics and Child Health in the Division of Paediatrics since 2005. Professor Blair is a consultant paediatrician and specialist in child public health working from Northwick Park Hospital in Harrow. He has a background in medical education, epidemiology and health services research.

Dr Hilary Cass, Consultant Paediatrician – Evelina Childrens Hospital

Dr Francesca Cleugh, Paediatrician & Darzi Fellow, ICH NHS Trust

Ms Sue Grange, Associate Director in Human Resources – ICH NHS Trust

Professor Sir Ian Kennedy, Emeritus Professor of Health Law, Ethics and Policy at the School of Public Policy, University College of London

Dr Hermione Lyall, Consultant Paediatrician and Chief of Service – ICH NHS Trust

Mr Will Warburton, Head of Operations CPG5, ICH NHS Trust

Dr Mando Watson, Consultant Paediatrician and Clinical Lead – ICH NHS Trust

Mr David Wells, Deputy Director of CHIMAT