Days 1 & 2: Data-driven service development in Child Health: A toolkit for the future

Day 1

  • Intro to module
  • History of NHS and need for data followed by workshop addressing competencies in information management 
  • Compromised development of IT and Information for Child Health – a 40 year struggle
  • What are indicators and how do we compare with Europe?
  • Health inequalities and the atlas of variation 

Day 2

  • Introduction to CHIMAT and profiles
  • Data exercise
  • Use of data to support business case development and service change (session with commissioners )
  • Two examples from the floor – illustrating safety and another aspect of quality
  • Exercise to support local investigation and use of data

Days 3 & 4: Quality Improvement and change in Paediatrics: Let’s make a difference

Day 3

  • Introduction to Quality Improvement & Change
  • Local examples of innovation & service development – integrated child health
  • Introduction to the NHS Change Model
  • Medical engagement, leadership and culture – the post-Francis era
  • Quality in healthcare – what it is; why is it important?

 Day 4

  • Morning session on QI tools, including introduction and rotating small group work to cover PDSA, driver diagrams, run-charts, process mapping, lean, stakeholder engagement
  • Personal leadership focus session – based on Steven Covey’s 7-habits
  • Afternoon session running 2 x leadership simulations
  • Debrief and feedback

Day 5 (only if booked on entire module)

  • Personal tutorials (timing will also allow focus through the day to be more individualised)
  • Progressing on the full MSc
  • Over-arching session – ‘Data, improvement and the wider system – pulling it all together’,  Critical analysis of journal article (s)
  • Introduction to assignment; discussions around depth / critical analysis
  • Small group work to scope and discuss potential assignments
  • Wrap-up