With effect from 1 August 2024

Payscale attachments:

Below is the accessible content of the attachments:

PTOL - London rates

Level 1a
Spine point Full-time annual salary** (January 2024) Full-time annual salary (August 2024) Hourly rate (August 2024)
 3  £28,242 £29,129 £15.08
 2  £27,953 £28,831 £14.93
 1  £27,755 £28,627 £14.82
Summary of the table's contents

**Fixed salary points for Level 1a appointments

Level 1b
Spine point Full-time annual salary (January 2024) Full-time annual salary (August 2024) Hourly rate (August 2024) Grade
 14  £33,350 £34,397 £18.83  Level 1b (non-automatic)
 13  £32,781 £33,810 £18.51  Level 1b (non-automatic)
 12  £32,212 £33,223 £17.20  Level 1b (non-automatic)
 11  £31,663 £32,657 £16.91  Level 1b
 10  £31,095 £32,071 £16.61  Level 1b
 9  £30,588 £31,548 £16.33  Level 1b
 8  £30,061 £31,005 £16.05  Level 1b
 7  £29,575 £30,504 £15.79  Level 1b
 6  £29,099 £30,013 £15.54  Level 1b
 5  £28,685 £29,586 £15.32  Level 1b
Summary of the table's contents


Level 2a
Spine point Full-time annual salary (January 2024) Full-time annual salary (August 2024) Hourly rate (August 2024) Grade
 19  £36,701 £37,853 £20.72  Level 2a (non-automatic)
 18  £35,956 £37,085 £20.30  Level 2a (non-automatic)
 17  £35,273 £36,381 £19.91  Level 2a (non-automatic)
 16  £34,632 £35,719 £19.55  Level 2a
 15  £33,991 £35,058 £19.19  Level 2a
 14  £33,350 £34,397 £18.83  Level 2a
 13  £32,781 £33,810 £18.51  Level 2a
Summary of the table's contents


Level 2b
Spine point Full-time annual salary (January 2024) Full-time annual salary (August 2024) Hourly rate (August 2024) Grade
 24  £40,641 £41,917 £22.94  Level 2b (non-automatic)
 23  £39,783 £41,032 £22.46  Level 2b (non-automatic)
 22  £38,977 £40,201 £22.00  Level 2b (non-automatic)
 21  £38,180 £39,379 £21.55  Level 2b
 20  £37,404 £38,578 £21.12  Level 2b
 19  £36,701 £37,853 £20.72  Level 2b
 18  £35,956 £37,085 £20.30  Level 2b
 17  £35,273 £36,381 £19.91  Level 2b
Summary of the table's contents


Level 3a
Spine point Full-time annual salary (January 2024) Full-time annual salary (August 2024) Hourly rate (August 2024) Grade
 30  £46,344 £47,799 £26.16  Level 3a (non-automatic)
 29  £45,321 £46,744 £25.59  Level 3a (non-automatic)
 28  £44,309 £45,700 £25.01  Level 3a (non-automatic)
 27  £43,360 £44,722 £24.48  Level 3a
 26  £42,380 £43,711 £23.92  Level 3a
 25  £41,489 £42,792 £23.42  Level 3a
 24  £40,641 £41,917 £22.94  Level 3a
 23  £39,783 £41,032 £22.46  Level 3a
 22  £38,977 £40,201 £22.00  Level 3a
Summary of the table's contents


Level 3b
Spine point Full-time annual salary (January 2024) Full-time annual salary (August 2024) Hourly rate (August 2024) Grade
 39 £57,842 £59,658 £32.65  Level 3b (non-automatic)
 38 £56,345 £58,114 £31.81  Level 3b (non-automatic)
 37 £54,927 £56,652 £31.01  Level 3b (non-automatic)
 36 £53,558 £55,240 £30.24  Level 3b
 35 £52,201 £53,840 £29.47  Level 3b
 34 £50,910 £52,509 £28.74  Level 3b
 33 £49,661 £51,220 £28.04  Level 3b
 32 £48,516 £50,039 £27.39  Level 3b
 31 £47,377 £48,865 £26.75  Level 3b
 30 £46,344 £47,799 £26.16  Level 3b
 29 £45,321 £46,744 £25.59  Level 3b
 28 £44,309 £45,700 £25.01  Level 3b
Summary of the table's contents


Level 4
Spine point Full-time annual salary (January 2024) Full-time annual salary (August 2024) Hourly rate (August 2024) Grade
 47 £71,402 £73,644 £40.31  Level 4 (non-automatic)
 46 £69,510 £71,693 £39.24  Level 4 (non-automatic)
 45 £67,674 £69,799 £38.20  Level 4 (non-automatic)
 44 £65,935 £68,005 £37.22  Level 4
 43 £64,216 £66,232 £36.25  Level 4
 42 £62,520 £64,483 £35.29  Level 4
 41 £60,942 £62,856 £34.40  Level 4
 40 £59,363 £61,227 £33.51  Level 4
 39 £57,842 £59,658 £32.65  Level 4
 38 £56,345 £58,114 £31.81  Level 4
 37 £54,927 £56,652 £31.01  Level 4
Summary of the table's contents


Level 5
Spine point Full-time annual salary (January 2024) Full-time annual salary (August 2024) Hourly rate (August 2024) Grade
 52 £81,701 £84,266 £46.12 Level 5 (non-automatic)
 51 £79,437 £81,931 £44.84 Level 5 (non-automatic)
 50 (Level 6 minimum) £77,323 £79,751 £43.65 Level 5 (non-automatic)
 49 £75,337 £77,703 £42.53 Level 5
 48 £73,331 £75,634 £41.40 Level 5
 47 £71,402 £73,644 £40.31 Level 5
 46 £69,510 £71,693 £39.24 Level 5
 45 £67,674 £69,799 £38.20 Level 5
 44 £65,935 £68,005 £37.22 Level 5
Summary of the table's contents


Level 6
Spine point Full-time annual salary (January 2024) Full-time annual salary (August 2024) Hourly rate (August 2024) Grade
 50  £77,323 £79,751 £43.65 Level 6 - fixed minimum
Summary of the table's contents

Staff on levels 6 and 7 are appointed on fixed salaries. No automatic increments at levels 6 and 7; any future salary increases or bonus payments are performance-related and are determined in line with College procedures.

PTOL - Outside London

Level 1a
Spine point Full-time annual salary** (January 2024) Full-time annual salary (August 2024) Hourly rate (August 2024)
 3  £25,042 £25,828 £13.37
 2  £24,753 £25,530 £13.22
 1  £24,555 £25,326 £13.11
Summary of the table's contents

**Fixed salary points for Level 1a appointments

Level 1b
Spine point Full-time annual salary (January 2024) Full-time annual salary (August 2024) Hourly rate (August 2024) Grade
 14  £30,150  £31,097 £17.02  Level 1b (non-automatic)
 13  £29,581  £30,510 £16.70  Level 1b (non-automatic)
 12  £29,012  £29,923 £15.49  Level 1b (non-automatic)
 11  £28,463  £29,357 £15.20  Level 1b
 10  £27,895  £28,771 £14.90  Level 1b
 9  £27,388  £28,248 £14.63  Level 1b
 8  £26,861  £27,704 £14.34  Level 1b
 7  £26,375  £27,203 £14.08  Level 1b
 6  £25,899  £26,712 £13.83  Level 1b
 5  £25,485  £26,285 £13.61  Level 1b
Summary of the table's contents


Level 2a
Spine point Full-time annual salary (January 2024) Full-time annual salary (August 2024) Hourly rate (August 2024) Grade
 19  £33,501 £34,553 £18.91  Level 2a (non-automatic)
 18  £32,756 £33,785 £18.49  Level 2a (non-automatic)
 17  £32,073 £33,080 £18.11  Level 2a (non-automatic)
 16  £31,432 £32,419 £17.74  Level 2a
 15  £30,791 £31,758 £17.38  Level 2a
 14  £30,150 £31,097 £17.02  Level 2a
 13  £29,581 £30,510 £16.70  Level 2a
Summary of the table's contents


Level 2b
Spine point Full-time annual salary (January 2024) Full-time annual salary (August 2024) Hourly rate (August 2024) Grade
 24  £37,441 £38,617 £21.14  Level 2b (non-automatic)
 23  £36,583 £37,732 £20.65  Level 2b (non-automatic)
 22  £35,777 £36,900 £20.20  Level 2b (non-automatic)
 21  £34,980 £36,078 £19.75  Level 2b
 20  £34,204 £35,278 £19.31  Level 2b
 19  £33,501 £34,553 £18.91  Level 2b
 18  £32,756 £33,785 £18.49  Level 2b
 17  £32,073 £33,080 £18.11  Level 2b
Summary of the table's contents


Level 3a
Spine point Full-time annual salary (January 2024) Full-time annual salary (August 2024) Hourly rate (August 2024) Grade
 30  £43,144 £44,499 £24.36  Level 3a (non-automatic)
 29  £42,121 £43,444 £23.78  Level 3a (non-automatic)
 28  £41,109 £42,400 £23.21  Level 3a (non-automatic)
 27  £40,160 £41,421 £22.67  Level 3a
 26  £39,180  £40,410 £22.12  Level 3a
 25  £38,289  £39,491 £21.62  Level 3a
 24  £37,441  £38,617 £21.14  Level 3a
 23  £36,583  £37,732 £20.65  Level 3a
 22  £35,777  £36,900 £20.20  Level 3a
Summary of the table's contents


Level 3b
Spine point Full-time annual salary (January 2024) Full-time annual salary (August 2024) Hourly rate (August 2024) Grade
 39 £54,642 £56,358 £30.85  Level 3b (auto-increment)
 38 £53,145 £54,814 £30.00  Level 3b (auto-increment)
 37 £51,727 £53,351 £29.20  Level 3b (auto-increment)
 36 £50,358 £51,939 £28.43  Level 3b
 35 £49,001 £50,540 £27.66  Level 3b
 34 £47,710 £49,208 £26.93  Level 3b
 33 £46,461 £47,920 £26.23  Level 3b
 32 £45,316 £46,739 £25.58  Level 3b
 31 £44,177 £45,564 £24.94  Level 3b
 30 £43,144 £44,499 £24.36  Level 3b
 29 £42,121 £43,444 £23.78  Level 3b
 28 £41,109 £42,400 £23.21  Level 3b
Summary of the table's contents


Level 4
Spine point Full-time annual salary (January 2024) Full-time annual salary (August 2024) Hourly rate (August 2024) Grade
 47 £68,202 £70,344 £38.50  Level 4 (non-automatic)
 46 £66,310 £68,392 £37.43  Level 4 (non-automatic)
 45 £64,474 £66,498 £36.40  Level 4 (non-automatic)
 44 £62,735 £64,705 £35.42  Level 4
 43 £61,016 £62,932 £34.45  Level 4
 42 £59,320 £61,183 £33.49  Level 4
 41 £57,742 £59,555 £32.60  Level 4
 40 £56,163 £57,927 £31.71  Level 4
 39 £54,642 £56,358 £30.85  Level 4
 38 £53,145 £54,814 £30.00  Level 4
 37 £51,727 £53,351 £29.20  Level 4
Summary of the table's contents


Level 5
Spine point Full-time annual salary (January 2024) Full-time annual salary (August 2024) Hourly rate (August 2024) Grade
 52 £78,501 £80,966 £44.32  Level 5 (non-automatic)
 51 £76,237 £78,631 £43.04  Level 5 (non-automatic)
 50 (Level 6 minimum) £74,123 £76,450 £41.84  Level 5 (non-automatic)
 49 £72,137 £74,402 £40.72  Level 5
 48 £70,131 £72,333 £39.59  Level 5
 47 £68,202 £70,344 £38.50  Level 5
 46 £66,310 £68,392 £37.43  Level 5
 45 £64,474 £66,498 £36.40  Level 5
 44 £62,735 £64,705 £35.42  Level 5
Summary of the table's contents


Level 6
Spine point Full-time annual salary (January 2024) Full-time annual salary (August 2024) Hourly rate (August 2024) Grade
 50  £74,123 £76,450 £41.84 Level 6 - fixed minimum
Summary of the table's contents

Staff on levels 6 and 7 are appointed on fixed salaries. No automatic increments at levels 6 and 7; any future salary increases or bonus payments are performance-related and are determined in line with College procedures.