Procurement of devices

Imperial purchases hundreds of devices per year. Each device generates a carbon footprint which then grows with usage and disposal. In fact, on average a laptop generates 230.2kg carbon during its entire life span when you consider mining, manufacturing, packaging, shipping, fulfilment, delivery, use and recycling.


On average, a laptop generates 230.2kg of carbon over its lifespan. One third of that comes from device usage. You can reduce the amount of carbon you generate whilst working by following some simple steps outlined in the “how you can help” section of this website. 


Disposal is an important factor in the life of a device. If this is not completed properly, and without the right checks in place, items sent to be recycled are often disposed of in less than ethical ways. We are working with suppliers that guarantee zero to landfill recycling. To achieve this, they commit to using components from Imperial devices in other appliances and devices, creating a circular economy.

We ask that others join us in using our preferred supplier for device recycling. An added benefit is that, depending on the device age and condition, value can be taken out and reinvested into newer devices.

Zero waste and circular economy

How we are making positive changes to the lifecycle of a device

Our aim is to reduce the carbon footprint of each device in the areas that we can influence. This is what we know so far:

  • We are working with suppliers to understand their practices and, where possible, change them. We have asked our suppliers to deliver devices via electric vehicle for the “last mile” to Imperial, effectively from their warehouse to Imperial. This is still to be achieved, but by doing this, Imperial is working to reduce the emissions associated with its procurement activities within London.
  • ICT is working to consolidate orders for devices. By consolidating orders where possible, and using a single supplier, we are able to reduce the number of deliveries coming into Imperial.