Login to the Software Hub

How to use the Software Hub

How to use the Software Hub

Software Hub is a web based tool which provides access to course specific software applications. Software Hub can be used from computers on campus, including cluster computers and staff computers, or from your own personal Windows device.

Instructions on how to use the Software Hub on your personal device can be found below. Please note you will be required to download the AppsAnywhere client to use the Software Hub. The majority of communal College computers will already be set up with the Software Hub.

Please note:  The Software Hub is currently not compatible on Macs. We recommend that Mac users remote into a cluster machine or use Azure Virtual Desktop to gain access to a wider range of software. 

Launching the Software Hub

When you log into a Windows computer, the Software Hub will automatically load. If the Software Hub doesn’t load when you login, or you accidentally close it, then there is a shortcut on the desktop or in the Start Menu. Alternatively, you can load your favourite browser and navigate to the Software HubWhen first using the Software Hub it can take a little longer to launch an application. However, once the application has been used, most will then be quicker to launch.

If you can’t find an application on the Software Hub that you are expecting to use, please contact ICT .



The majority of software on the Software Hub is for Microsoft Windows only. ICT are working to ensure that applications in the Software Hub are available across all platforms

Request software 


If the application you need to use isn't available, contact the ICT Service Desk who will arrange to have the requested application delivered (if license permits).

Using the Software Hub on your own device