College finance widget

Amount paid to the Universities and College's Employers Association (UCEA), past 5 years

The request

Can you please provide the yearly amount (in GBP) that Imperial has disbursed to UCEA for the past 5 years. Please itemize the expenses.

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-558, 23 October 2023

Invoice type20192020202120222023
Professional services £73,946.60 £19,541.80      
Training & Development   £19,434.80 £18,940.00 £21,811.00 £5,656.00
Total £73,946.60 £38,975.80 £18,940.00 £21,811.00 £5,656.00


Amount received in donations from donors who have requested their identity is kept confidential

The request

Since January 2017 to the day this request is processed:

  • how much has the university accepted in donations from donors who wish their identity to be kept confidential
  • how many such donations were made
  • what are the ten largest amounts received in such donations
  • how many of these donors were the subject of sanctions at the time they gave donations to the university
  • how many were the subject of sanctions after they gave the university donations

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-258, 14 June 2023

Since January 2017 to the date of this request, Imperial College has accepted £7,249,687.88 in donations from 1,934 donors who requested that their identity be kept confidential.

The ten largest amounts were as follows: 


No donations are accepted from people or organisations subject to sanctions. As part of the College’s due diligence process for accepting philanthropic income, all potential donors are checked against a database of international sanctions. Imperial College does not hold information on whether individuals or organisations were made subject to sanctions after a donation had been accepted.

Costs of encampment

The request

Please provide the amount of money spent on the pro-Palestinian encampment at the University. Please break down these costs in a table, i.e. £X on security, £X on eviction, etc.

Imperial response, IMPFOI-24-314, 15 July 2024

The costs for additional security personnel relating to the encampment were £83,085.98. A portable toilet was provided at a cost of £1,234.08 to the university.

There has to date been no other specific costs incurred in relation to the encampment.

Energy usage and costs

IMPFOI-23-570, 31 October 2023

 Year to end 31 March 23Year to end 31 March 22
Total purchased electricity kwh's 61,536,740 54,608,180
Total purchased electricity Cost incl vat £18,913,224 £7,447,060.96
Total purchased natural gas kwh's 247,923,204 252,088,957
Total purchased natural gas Cost incl vat £18,781,935 £5,065,742.82
Expenses claims and flights taken by President, 2021 - 2024

The request

Please provide:

1.      Receipts of all expense claims in excess of £1,000 made by your university’s President in 2022/23 and 2023/24.

2.      A list of all expense claims in excess of £1,000 made by individuals other than your university’s President in 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24.

3.      A log of all air travel made by the President (to include both expensed purchases and those made by the university on behalf of the President) in 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24, to include the date, departure airport, arrival airport, airline and cost.

Imperial College London response, IMPFOI-24-512, 20 November 20204

The Imperial College London President made one expenses claim of over £1000 in 2022/23 and 2023/24. The receipts are in the linked pdf document: IMPFOI-24-512, President receipts (pdf)

Please see table below for a list of expenses claims of over £1000 made by Imperial College London staff other than the President.

  2021 2022 2023 2024 Total
No. of claims 293 1932 2471 1532 6228
Value £ 581,156.95 3,694,891.96 4,718,562.40 2,916,070.10 11,910,681.41

Details of all air travel taken by the President can be found in the linked pdf document: IMPFOI-24-512, President's Flights (pdf)


Hourly rates for non medical helper support
Request IMPFOI-24-537

Please provide the hourly rates charged by Imperial College London to Student Finance England for Non-Medical Helper Support which is provided by Imperial to students in receipt of Disabled Students Allowance. These rates should be broken down by the type of NHM support offered by Imperial and the rate charged per hour. Please provide this data for each of the past five academic years for which data is avaliable.

Imperial College Response

These are the hourly rates for NMH work that covers note-taking, scribing and lab assistance.

Financial Year Hourly rate without holiday pay Hourly rate with holiday pay
2024 / 2025 £24.02 £26.92
2023 / 2024 £18.48 £20.71 
2022 / 2023 £17.11 £19.18 
2021 / 2022 £15.98 £17.91 
2020 / 2021 No data available  No data available



Imperial Brand Project 2024
Working days lost due to industrial action and pay withheld, 2021/22 and autumn term 2022/23

The request

How much less did Imperial College London spend on staff salaries due to UCU strikes (compared to if no strikes occurred) in the 2021-22 academic year and in the autumn term of the 2022-23 academic year?

How much less did Imperial College London spend on staff salaries due to UCU strikes (compared to if no strikes occurred) in the 2021-22 academic year and in the autumn term of the 2022-23 academic year?

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-120, 28 March 2023

The figures provided are for all strike days by members of Imperial College staff, not just those that are members of UCU. We are not able to break the figures down by which union the staff-member belongs to.

All of the deductions made from staff taking industrial action were funded back to Departments to support activities that benefit education and/or the student experience (overseen by the College’s Education Committee).

PeriodTotal strike daysTotal pay withheld
2021/22 academic year 979 £174,422.12
Autumn term of 2022/23 254 £63,944.39
Library Academic Journal Costs 2020 - 2024

The request

For the years 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023, please provide the total amount paid to each of the following publishers for access to their academic journals: Elsevier; Springer Nature; Wiley; Taylor & Francis; SAGE Publishing; Oxford University Press; Cambridge University Press.

If your expenditure records are recorded in academic financial years rather than calendar years, please provide the data for 2020/21 to 2023/24. Please include the total payment to publishers as well as payments to subscription agents or intermediaries for access to the publishers’ academic journals. Please include VAT or indicate whether or not figures are inclusive of VAT.

Imperial College response (IMPFOI-24-496)

Some of our journal subscriptions, especially with large publishers, are known as 'transitional deals', where we pay one amount to a publisher to get both reading access to a package of journals, and open access publishing for Imperial authors who would like to publish in those titles. These costs can be separated into 'reading' and 'publishing' costs.  This is reflected in the tables of the below shared publishing costs.

Academic journal Costs 2020 - 2024 (PDF)


Library fines since 2012/13

The request

The total sum of library fines relating to late or unreturned books given to Imperial students since the academic year beginning 2012/13, broken down by each year.

The highest individual fine for a late or unreturned book given to one student since 2012/2013.

Imperial College response (IMPFOI-23-019, 2 Februaru 2023)

The table below shows the amount owed for lost books and fines by financial year since 2012/13. The figures show the amount owed, not necessarily the amount recovered from borrowers.

All items over 6 weeks overdue are considered lost and the borrower is charged the replacement cost, for further information please see the Recalled and overdue items information on the College website.

YearLost booksFines
2012/13 1,531 5,753
2013/14 3,184 4,029
2014/15 8,604 4,954
2015/16 4,293 3,857
2016/17 4,142 3,116
2017/18 3,561 5076
2018/19 1,417 5,203
2019/20 2,252 4,617
2020/21 130 2,381
2021/22 921 1,852
Number of and cost of flights, 2018 to 2022

The request

During each of the five calendar years dating back to January 2018, please provide the cumulative number of flights – and the cumulative cost of those flights – booked by members of staff, students and associated researchers undertaken while carrying out university duties, representing the university or partaking in university studies.

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-257, 13 June 2023

FOI Response IMPFOI-23-257 flights



Pay withheld due to strike action, past three academic years

The Request

In the last three academic years, how much money has been saved by the university deducting staff pay as a result of UCU strike action? Please also provide, if possible, details regarding how the money saved from pay deductions will be spent by the university.

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-410, 30 August 2023

The figures provided are for all strike days by members of Imperial College staff, not just those that are members of UCU. We are not able to break the figures down by which union the staff-member belongs to.

PeriodTotal Pay withheld
2020/21 (March 2020) £22,027.54
2021/22 (December 2021, February 2022 and March 2022) £17,422.12
2022/23 (November 2-22, January to June 2023) £304,663.17

Withheld salaries are reinvested in our students’ experience. Funds are directed to the Student Support Fund by default, although individual departments are able to claim for any additional support they need to mitigate the impacts of the industrial action on students.


Relations between the University and selected countries

FOI request and response, IMPFOI-23-305, 5 July 2023

FOI Response, IMPFOI-23-305, Relations between the University and selected countries (pdf)



Senior Officer trip to Singapore and White City Development team away-day 2024

The request

Regarding the trip to Singapore (19-26 April) taken by the Chief Operating Officer, Chief Property Officer and possibly others and the White City Development Team away day in Paris, please provide the following information:

  • The job titles of the staff that attended
  • Total cost broken down by type of expenditure, for example: hotels, flights, food, taxis.

Imperial response, IMPFOI-24-255, 19 June 2026

Singapore trip attendees:

  • Chief Operating Officer
  • Chief Property Officer
  • Associate Provost (Estates Planning)
  • White City Development Director
  • White City Campus Programme Director

Travel - £11,354.69
Accommodation - £5,132
Subsistence - £2,415.43

France trip attendees:

  • Development Director
  • Programme Director
  • Development Manager
  • Executive Assistant
  • Head of Masterplanning
  • Investment Manager
  • Investment Director
  • Investment Analyst
  • Development Manager
  • Construction Director
  • Senior Finance Manager
  • Senior Project Manager
  • Marketing Manager
  • Commercial Manager
  • Strategy Manager, Campus Planning
  • Senior Project Manager
  • Programme Support Officer
  • Programme Support Officer
  • PMO Manager
  • Investment Analyst
  • Investment Analyst

Travel - £5,362.84
Accommodation - £3,712.28
Subsistence - £2,173.94


Student accommodation rents and expenditure

The request

1. Revenues and spending on university owned/operated student housing for the academic year 2022/23 and 2021/22
2. Average price of rent per week and per year for students in 2022/23, and also cheapest and most expensive prices per week
3. Average price of rent per week and per year for students in 2023/24 , and also cheapest and most expensive prices per week
4. Number of places for students in halls this coming year
5. How much has rent increased this year?
6. How much has rent increased by over the last ten years?

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-320, 30 June 2023

FOI Response, IMPFOI-23-320, student accommodation rents and expenditure (pdf)


Student sports funding

The request

1. How is 'Imperial Athletes' funded (via the Students’ Union? Special university-allocated deficit? Departmental deficit? etc.)
2. What was the total level of 'Imperial Athletes' funding in 2021/22?
3. What proportion of this funding was allocated to sports clubs?
4. What proportion of this funding was allocated to staff payroll?
5. What proportion of this funding was allocated to sport capital expenditure/investment?
6. What proportion of this funding was allocated to sports facilities management?
7. What was the total financial deficit reported by 'Imperial Athletes' in this period?
8. How many students are members of university sports clubs (not including gym membership)?
9. How many students are members of 'Imperial Athletes'?
10. How many sports clubs receive funding from the university?

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-324, 3 July 2023

FOI Response IMPFOI-23-324, Student sports funding (pdf)


Ten largest donations from donors who have requested their identity is kept confidential

The request

With reference to the previous FOI response, IMPFOI-23-258, on 14 June 2023, in regards to the ten largest amounts, for each donation, please state (1) what the donation was used for (2) whether the donation came from an individual, and please also state their nationality (3) whether the donation came from a company, and please state what country that company is registered in.

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-546, 19 October 2023

Please see table below for the details requested. Please note that for companies, we have provided the country from the address data we hold which may not be the same as the country where they are registered.

DOnation amountPurposeDonor typeCountry/Nationoality
£1,000,000.00  Academic Research Individual Brazil
£740,000.00 Academic Research Trust or Foundation Switzerland
£600,000.00 Covid Vaccine development work / Student scholarships and bursaries Individual United States
£448,352.00 Academic Research Trust or Foundation United States
£400,000.00 Student scholarships and bursaries Trust or Foundation Singapore
£330,000.00 Student scholarships and bursaries Trust or Foundation United Kingdom
£320,000.00 Academic Research / Student scholarships and bursaries Trust or Foundation United Kingdom
£308,000.00 Student scholarships and bursaries Company United Kingdom
£285,000.00 Academic Research / Student scholarships and bursaries Individual United Kingdom
£257,232.10 Academic Research Company United Kingdom


Tuition Fee Refunds

Request IMPFOI-24-507

For the years 2018-2024:

  1. How many students requested tuition fee refunds during the following academic years.
  2. Of those students who requested tuition fee refunds during those academic years, how many of those requests were successful.
  3. What was the total combined value of tuition fee refunds paid back by the university.
  4. What was the average tuition fee refund awarded.



Year No. of requests Total Sum of Requests (3) Average Amount of Requests (£) Number of Approved Requests Total Sum of Approved requests (£) Average Amount of Approved Request (£)
2018/19 868 2,932,789.90  3,378.79  546 1,870,923.90  3,426.60 
2019/20 861 3,271,659.25  3,799.84  469 1,780,178.34  3,795.69 
2020/21 964 4,167,953.77  4,323.60  684 2,997,131.83  4,381.77 
2021/22 853 4,060,574.50  4,760.35  750 3,617,266.11  4,823.02 
2022/23 960 3,071,351.00  4,451.23  588 2,535,094.68  4,311.39 

Note that what constitutes a “refund”covers a wide range scenarios including, but not limited to, overpayments, withdrawals, and interruptions.

Data for 2024 is not yet available.

Use of Amazon in procurement

The request

Please could you provide the following in respect of each of your previous 3 full financial years:

  1. Whether your organisation or any part of it is subscribed to Amazon Business?
  2. Your annual turnover or operating budget.
  3. Your total procurement spend (inc VAT), including via Purchase Order/Invoice, Purchasing/Procurement Card, and Direct Debit.
  4. Your total procurement/purchasing spend (inc VAT) with Amazon, and its major subsidiaries, including Amazon Web Services.
  5. How much of the total spend with Amazon and its major subsidiaries (detailed above) is for the purchase of vouchers for gifting/award or other purposes?

Imperial response, IMPFOI-24-473, 8 November 2024

  1. Not at present.
  2. Please refer to the Imperial College London Annual report and accounts for information about Imperial's turnover/operating budget. The financial accounts 2023/24 are currently being audited before publication. Once signed off by our auditors, our accounts will be published on our website,
  3. Total procurement spend: 2021/22 £230,063,854; 2022/23 £254,531,519, 2023/24 £305,381,081
  4. Total procurement/purchasing spend with Amazon, and its major subsidiaries, including Amazon Web Services: 2021/22, £373,507; 2022/23 , £262,494; 2023/24, £304,902.
  5. Amount of total spend with Amazon for purchase of vouchers for gifting/award or other purposes: 2021/22, £52,019; 2022/23, £65,430; 2023/24, £64,483.