Weekly: Monday 3 June – Monday 24 June Online | 18.15 – 19.00

Join Karen@Fit2RelaxLondon to Take Back Your Power to improve your posture and help to manage and resolve any back issues. This 4-week interactive course will focus on common postural issues which can affect the back. It will include short, practical mobility routines to improve posture, stretched to release tightness in key muscles and Pilates-based exercises to strengthen the posterior chain and core.

There will be a small cost of £15 to complete the course. We will provide you with the equipment required for the course and this will be yours to keep after the course has finished so you can continue to practice the exercises and techniques learned during the course.

Requirements for the course:

  • Be able to attend all 4 sessions
  • Be able to lie down for some of the exercises, preferably on an exercise mat or towel
  • Have a working camera and microphone on your device

Sign up for the course. If you have any further questions, please email Abby directly.