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Freedom of Information Compendium Publication Scheme Class

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External Review Information

Teaching and Learning - Class 7.2

Publication Scheme: Class

Information about the College’s internal quality audit programmes and annual review. It also includes information on the College’s internal procedures for assuring academic quality and standards.

Examples of the type of information in this class include: programme specifications and course descriptions; statements of roles, responsibilities and authority of different bodies within the institution involved in programme approval and review; annual monitoring and review processes; accreditation and monitoring reports by professional statutory or regulatory bodies; outcomes of the Funding Council's Research Assessment Exercise.
Sources used to compile this entry: Freedom of Information Act 2000, Model Publication Scheme for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, Information Commissioner, 2003,
Prepared by: Gavan McCarthy
Created: 27 September 2003
Modified: 18 October 2005

Published by Imperial College, London
Comments, questions, corrections and additions:
Updated: 19 June 2006

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