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Click on a letter to browse alphabetical lists of names for all entities.
Please use the A-Z search list above to browse through the Information Compendium. This lists the College's Organisational Units (departments, divisions etc), College Committees (including the Court and Council) and the classes as defined in the Publication Scheme (e.g. Academic Year Dates or Student Welfare)
The additional searches below may also be of useful if you know the topic you are looking for.
Freedom of Information Compendium consists of 274 entities with references to 61 archival/heritage holdings, and 345 published resources.
College Committees | (60 entities) | A B C E F G H I M N O P R S T U |
Organisational Units | (159 entities) | A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U W Z |
Publication Scheme Classes | (55 entities) | A C E F G H I L M P Q R S T |
Repositories | (46 holdings) | C |
Functions | (2 descriptors) | P |
Published by Imperial College, London
Comments, questions, corrections and additions:
Updated: 19 June 2006