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Freedom of Information Compendium Function Browse List - P

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Function Browse List - P

Publication Scheme: Class
In the UK Freedom of Information Act 2000 Model Publications Scheme for Higher Education Institution in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, Class is the second highest category level, under Group.
Academic Year Dates, Teaching and Learning - Class 7.1
Alumni, External Relations - Class 9.1
Availability and Conditions of use of Facilties, Information Services - Class 6.1
Committees, Research and Development - Class 8.1
Community Liaison, External Relations - Class 9.2
Employment and Employee Relations, Human Resources - Class 3.1
Equal Opportunities, Human Resources - Class 3.2
Estates, Physical Resources - Class 4.1
External Review Information, Teaching and Learning - Class 7.2
Finance, Financial Resources - Class 2.1
Funding, Research and Development - Class 8.2
Fundraising, External Relations - Class 9.3
Governance Structure, Governance - Class 1.2
Government and Regulator Relations, External Relations - Class 9.4
Graduation Information, Teaching and Learning - Class 7.3
Honorary Degrees, Teaching and Learning - Class 7.4
How the Institution is Organised, Governance - Class 1.3
Human Resources Strategy, Human Resources - Class 3.3
Information on Student Admission, Progression and Completion, Student Administration and Support - Class 5.1
Information on the Institutional Context, Governance - Class 1.4
Information on the Institution's Internal Procedures for Assuring Academic Quality and Standards, Teaching and Learning - Class 7.5
Legal Framework, Governance - Class 1.1
Management Structure, Governance - Class 1.5
Marketing and Recruitment, External Relations - Class 9.5
Mission Statements and Related Documents, Information Services - Class 6.2
Policies with regard to Data and Information, Information Services - Class 6.3
Procurement and Disposal Policies, Information Services - Class 6.4
Public Relations, External Relations - Class 9.6
Qualitative Data on the Quality and Standards of Learning and Teaching, Teaching and Learning - Class 7.6
Research Policies, Research and Development - Class 8.3
Resource Planning, Financial Resources - Class 2.2
Scope of Collections Held, Information Services - Class 6.5
Staff Development, Human Resources - Class 3.4
Staffing Structure of Schools and Departments, Teaching and Learning - Class 7.7
Student Accommodation, Student Administration and Support - Class 5.2
Student Administration, Student Administration and Support - Class 5.3
Student Admission and Registration, Student Administration and Support - Class 5.4
Student Assessment Strategy, Teaching and Learning - Class 7.8
Student Associations, Student Administration and Support - Class 5.10
Student Discipline, Student Administration and Support - Class 5.5
Student Learning Support Services, Student Administration and Support - Class 5.6
Student Liaison, Student Administration and Support - Class 5.7
Student Policies, Student Administration and Support - Class 5.8
Student Welfare, Student Administration and Support - Class 5.9
Tuition Fees, Teaching and Learning - Class 7.9
Publication Scheme: Group
In the UK Freedom of Information Act 2000 Model Publications Scheme for Higher Education Institution in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, Group is the highest category level.
External Relations, Group 9
Financial Resources, Group 2
Governance, Group 1
Human Resources, Group 3
Information Services, Group 6
Physical Resources, Group 4
Research and Development, Group 8
Student Administration and Support, Group 5
Teaching and Learning, Group 7

Published by Imperial College, London
Comments, questions, corrections and additions:
Updated: 19 June 2006

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