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Freedom of Information Compendium Publication Scheme Class

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External Relations - Class 9.1

Publication Scheme: Class

The College places a great importance in keeping in touch with its former staff and students and keeping them up to date with events within their former universities/colleges. The information within this class details how this relationship is fostered and maintained.

The information within this class details how this relationship is fostered and maintained. Examples of the type of information in this class include: alumni newsletters and magazines; constitutions of alumni organisations; terms of reference.
Sources used to compile this entry: Freedom of Information Act 2000, Model Publication Scheme for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, Information Commissioner, 2003,
Prepared by: Gavan McCarthy
Created: 28 September 2003
Modified: 18 October 2005

Published by Imperial College, London
Comments, questions, corrections and additions:
Updated: 19 June 2006

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