Inventory Listing
Drawings by T H Huxley, c 1850
'Original Sketches by T H Huxley'. A volume so lettered, 27 x 38 cm, containing 46 pencil drawings, four water-colours mostly made in Sydney and the neighbourhood in 1850, pasted on the sheets. Many of them have been lettered by Mrs Huxley. The subjects are chiefly landscapes, and drawings of natives. All the above are by T H Huxley. Various sizes, mostly about 17 x 25 cm. There are four lithographs from drawings by T Hayley: (1) Funeral Screen, Mount Ernest, Torres Strait; (2) Hut on Brierly Island, Louisiade Archipelago; (3) Village of Tassai, New Guinea; (4) Catamaran and Natives of Breemer Island. These were published by T & W Boone, London, 1852. Also includes Rio Off Fayal Azores, water-colour 1850, later donated in memory of Pricilla Elsie Waller.
Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 71
Date range c. 1850
Formats Drawings
Inventory Identifier 71
Box Number 71
Series 13
Drawings by T H Huxley, April 1890
'Sketches in the Pyrenees by Thomas Henry Huxley'. A volume so labelled, 28 x 36 cm, containing 30 sketches, mostly water-colours, of landscapes and natives. Some of the drawings are dated April 1890. Various sizes, mostly about 18 x 26 cm
Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 72
Date range April 1890
Formats Drawings
Inventory Identifier 72
Box Number 72
Series 13
Drawings by T H Huxley, 1849
Title on spine when rebound: 'Huxley MSS. Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake. Drawings. Acalephae. 1849'
Drawing Book, in paper covers, oblong, 27 x 17 cm, labelled 'Drawing Book. Acalephae 1849'. Pencil drawings, many have been cut out. Those remaining are numbered II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, XII + six blank leaves, with some drawings on the back of the penultimate leaf
Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 73
Date range 1849
Formats Drawings
Inventory Identifier 73
Box Number 73
Series 13
Drawings by T H Huxley, 1849
Title on spine when rebound: 'Huxley MSS. Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake. Drawings. Salpa. 1849'
Drawing Book, in paper covers, oblong, 27 x 17 cm, labelled 'Salpa, 1849'. Sheets marked I-VI, drawn on recto, and five leaves not numbered, drawn only on verso
Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 74
Date range 1849
Formats Drawings
Inventory Identifier 74
Box Number 74
Series 13
Drawings by T H Huxley, February 1872
Pocket Sketch Book by Lechertier, Barbe & Co. 12.5 x 17.5 cm. Water-colour sketches made in Egypt
Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 75
Date range February 1872
Formats Drawings
Inventory Identifier 75
Box Number 75
Series 13
Drawings by T H Huxley, February 1872
Pocket Sketch Book by Lechertier, Barbe & Co. 12.5 x 17.5 cm. Water-colour sketches made in Egypt
Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 76
Date range February 1872
Formats Drawings
Inventory Identifier 76
Box Number 76
Series 13
Drawings by T H Huxley, 1870
Oblong pocket-book, cloth covers, brass clasp, 16 x 9.5 cm. Used for pen and pencil sketches in the Eiffel journey
Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 77
Date range 1870
Formats Drawings
Inventory Identifier 77
Box Number 77
Series 13
Drawings by T H Huxley, nd
Drawings to illustrate the Memoir on Spirula [cf number 04806]. Mounted on sheets of brown paper, 28.5 x 36 cm. 11 sheets
Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control 78
Formats Drawings
Inventory Identifier 78
Box Number 78
Series 13
Cast of hand, said to be Huxley's.
Plaster, 29 x 16 x 8.5 cm.
Creator Huxley, Thomas Henry
Control CAST
Inventory Identifier CAST
Box Number CAST
Series 13