Engagement Day 2024: Creating meaningful partnerships
Engagement Day, our yearly annual conference, welcomed over 100 people on 13 November 2024, who all got to enjoy speeches, conversations and Deep Dive activities focussed around this year's theme of partnership.
Read on for our summary of the activities and video content from the day.
What did the day involve?
Keynote speech from Diana Pound
Diana Pound CEnv, FCIEEM, Managing Director of Dialogue Matters, gave a keynote speech exploring the benefits and challenges of involving partners in science rsearch.
In conversation with our Partners
Charlotte Coales, Engagement Manager, was joined by Toby Laurent Belson (multidisciplinary community artist, designer and educator), Matthew Barnett (Head of Children, Young People and Families, NOVA), Joe Brown (Head Teacher, Old Oak Primary School) and Charity Jere Gondwe (Parent Carer Partner) for a fascinating and insightful discussion on working in partnerships in higher education.
Attendees also each participated in one of our four Deep Dive activities, each of which explored in greater detail a specific aspect of working in partnership.
Engagement Day 2024 Deep Dives
- Dilemmas café: using dialogue to explore challenges in partnership working (Hosted by Dr Tom Morton)
- Impactful partnerships: measuring and telling the story (hosted by Dr Amy Seakins and Emma Watson)
- Initiating Partnerships (hosted by Jodie Chan and Anna Lawrence-Jones)
- Negotiation when partnering with others (hosted by Diana Pound)
Engagement Day 2024 Lightning Talks
Engagement Day rounded off with four inspiring, fast-paced talks, highlighting what can be achieved through meaningful and effective partnership. Our speakers for the lightning talks were Christine Kinnear (Founder & CEO of With Insight Education) and Silje Andersen (Partnerships and Projects Manager, Outreach, Imperial), Tom Morton (Public Engagement Participatory Research Lead, Imperial), Ellen Dowell (Public Engagement Officer, National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial) and Lindsay Keith (Honorary Lecturer, Institute of Clinical Sciences, Imperial).
Closing Poem from Dan Simpson
The day concluded with a beautiful poem from Dan Simpson, who crafted the poem throughout the event through listening in to the speeches, activities and conversations
For further information, read the full article about Engagement Day 2024 here.
Download the full Engagement Day 2024 programme.pdf, and Accessible Programme Engagement Day 2024.doc.
If you have any questions about the day or need more information, please contact societal_engagement@imperial.ac.uk .
Browse below previous Engagement Day programmes and highlights:
Engagement Days 2021/22/23
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