InForm 6.0

The InForm ITM (Integrated Trial Management) System is a web-based data entry system which builds an Oracle database for each individual clinical trial. InForm, supplied by Oracle | Phase Forward, is widely used across the pharmaceutical industry and Imperial College was the first academic organisation in the UK to adopt it. The databases are hosted on Imperial College's infrastructure and can be analysed using an inbuilt reporting package, Cognos.

Central Designer, also supplied by Oracle | Phase Forward, is the tool used to design and build the eCRFs (electronic case report forms) and data entry rules for trials.

InForm benefits

  • Consistent approach to data collection
  • Real time validation of data input
  • Full audit trail of data entry and changes
  • Consistent user-friendly interface
  • Role and site based security
  • Fully protected centralised data storage
  • Disaster recovery provision
  • Supports compliance with the legislation and regulatory guidance on management of clinical research
  • Comprehensive reporting functionality
  • Automated e-mail alerts for safety reporting
  • Documented requirements and sign-off

InForm photo

The Collaborations Section is currently being updated. 

If your request falls under one of the Therapeutic areas details for the relevant email can be found on the Therapeutic Area Contact Details Page.