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Key Information

Chief Investigator Professor Anthony Gordon


Website: SepTIC

Trial registration:  Not yet available

Status:  Set-up

SepTiC: Sepsis Trials in Critical Care 

Sepsis is when the body’s response to severe infection causes vital organs to stop working normally. People can become very ill with sepsis and sadly some people die of it.  For those that do survive, it can be life changing, with long term physical and emotional effects. We urgently need to know the best treatments for sepsis.

The SepTiC research study looks to answer three important questions to help treat people with sepsis.

1. Do rapid PCR-based tests combined with a procalcitonin biomarker improve outcomes and antibiotic support compared to standard care in patients admitted to intensive care (ICU) with sepsis?

2. Does conservative fluid therapy with active removal of fluid build-up (de-resuscitation) improve outcomes compared to standard care in patients admitted to ICU with sepsis?

3. Does GM-CSF, a protein which helps make more white blood cells, compared to placebo improve outcomes in a high-risk subset of patients admitted to ICU with sepsis?

 By looking at these questions at the same time, we will get answers more quickly.

Our trial will include 3758 people with sepsis who are admitted to 60 adult Intensive Care Units throughout the United Kingdom over three years. The research will be finished in 2027.

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