
Dates to be confirmed

Course details

  • Duration: 1 day
  • Fees:
    - £90
    £75 ICHT staff
  • Discount to attend: Preterm Lactation and Breastfeeding and Introduction to Preterm Nutrition 
    £135 ICHT staff
  • Contact us

Why the need for such a course?

Currently there are no full days dedicated to neonatal nutrition despite numerous advancements in this area of neonatal care.

This course aims to provide a day dedicated to the main aspects of neonatal nutrition.

A study day encompassing the range of nutritional aspects of care of preterm babies will allow delegates to gain a cohesive picture of this speciality.

Poor nutritional management of preterm babies can result in numerous adverse outcomes including poor growth, poor bone mineralisation and fracture, anaemia, and risk of poor neurodevelopmental outcome.

Lack of nutrition and feeding protocols can delay feeding and nutrition milestones which could delay discharge and reduce cost effectiveness.

A study such as this will allow staff working on neonatal units to look at their own nutritional management locally. It will give the tools to begin to develop local guidelines.

More information

Learning objectives

To give a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of nutritional care of preterm babies. The emphasis will be on the needs and management of well preterm babies.

Course methods

The course consists of lectures and question and answer sessions with the speakers.

Who should attend?
  • Neonatal nurses
  • Midwives
  • Breastfeeding support staff
  • Allied Health Professionals: Speech and language therapists, Dietitians, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Psychologists with an interest in neonatal and preterm feeding
  • Neonatologists
  • Paediatricians with a neonatal interest
  • Milk banking staff
Call for abstracts

The organisers of the Preterm Lactation and Breastfeeding Study Day welcome submissions of abstracts for posters to display on the day of the meeting or for short oral presentations. We are looking for submissions that highlight innovative work which supports preterm lactation and breastfeeding before, during or following a preterm infant’s hospital stay.

The Abstract submission for Poster or Short Oral Presentations should be sent as a word document attached to an email that arrives by 5pm on the 26.07.2013 including:

  • Name, work address and email address of main author 
  • Name and work address of additional authors 
  • Whether being submitted for consideration as a poster, a short oral presentation or both 
  • Title (Not exceeding 15 words) 
  • Text (not exceeding 250 words) – to include aims, methods, results and discussion 
  • Maximum of 3 references 

The Course organisers will publish the accepted poster and short oral presentation list shortly after 26th July. Authors will be informed by an email, to the email address they have included in the abstract submission.

Posters will be displayed at the meeting venue. To submit a poster at least one of the named authors should be registered at the Course. Posters should be displayed on arrival in the morning of 23rd Sept. The size should be: 70 cm wide and 100 cm high.

The short presentations will have a maximum time limit of 7 minutes with 3 minutes for questions.
The first name on the abstract, if selected, will be the presenter of the short presentation.
The date and time of the presentation will be sent to the authors of the abstract by the Course Organisers by 9th August.


Companies interested in exhibiting/sponsoring the conference are most welcome and will have to adhere to the WHO/UNICEF International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes.

Comments from past participants
"A very well put together course, which allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the complex nutritional needs of the pre-term infant lots of take home points. Thank you."

"I found the entire course very informative and will prove useful to me in carrying out my day to day duties on the unit. It’s been inspiring to hear from experts in this area which is very important in babies’ survival."

"Thank you very much –it makes me very enthusiastic about making our unit better and gives me more confident in what I am doing seems to be correct."