Project Title: Characterization of Glial & Neuronal Pathology Associated with Amyloid-β Oligomers in Alzheimer’s Disease Models
Supervisor: Professor Paul Matthews and Professor Steve Gentleman
Location: 4th Floor, Burlington Danes, Hammersmith Campus


About Me

Having graduated with double BSc degrees in Biomedical Sciences from Queen Mary University of London (UK) and Clinical Medicine from Nanchang University (China), I was admitted by the Department of Brain Sciences at Imperial College London to join Prof. Paul Matthews’ laboratory, and Prof. Steve Gentleman is my secondary supervisor.

I have been a student representative in Department of Brain Sciences in my Year 2 and 3, contributing on the organization of some social and party within the department, as well as reporting some common problems for students. I really enjoy the feeling of becoming an early-stage scientist, carrying out some interesting wet lab experiments that are hopefully the milestones of dementia research. I am currently writing thesis and looking for postdoc positions in the field of brain sciences.


BSc in Biomedical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, UK

BSc in Clinical Medicine, Nachang University, China

Research Interests 

Characterization of the cellular phenotypes, functions and interactions in the brain is key to our understanding of neurodegenerative diseases. Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is the most common type of late-life dementia. Amyloid-β (Aβ) deposition, tau pathology, glial activation and neurodegeneration are four hallmarks of AD. Cellular homeostasis in the CNS is regulated and maintained in part by microglia and astrocytes. However, although Aβ deposits are surrounded by activated microglia and astrocytes in AD, it remains uncertain whether this is a consequence of the Aβ plaques or whether they contribute to their genesis. The relation of these two pathological elements to neurodegeneration also remains surprisingly unclear. My research interest is focused on early stage AD, and my project is based on the AppNL-G-Fmouse, a triple knock-in mouse model which avoids the artefact caused by transfecting too many APP gene copies. Apphu mouse has been used as a novel control with humanized APP genes, which is compared with wildtype mouse.

Selected publications

Tang J, Patel S, Gentleman S, et al. Neurological Consequences of COVID-19 Infection [Online]. arXiv, 2021.

Patel S and Tang J. COVID-19: The Challenges for People living with Dementia [Online]. The Lewy Body Society, 2020.

Huang D, Wang Y, Tang J, et al. Molecular mechanisms of suppressor of fused in regulating the hedgehog signalling pathway. Oncology letters, 2018. 15(5): p. 6077-6086.

Presentations and Conferences 

2021 Poster Presentation in European Neuroscience Conference

2021 Poster Presentation in British Neuroscience Association 2021 Festival

2020 Presentation in Dementia Christmas Symposium

2019 Invited Talk in School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London

2018 - 2020 UK Dementia Research Institute Connectome

2019 - 2020 Meeting of British Neuropathological Society

Contact Details
