A UK DRI Workshop

25-26 September 2024
The Stadium Room, Scale Space, White City, 58 Wood Lane, London W12 7RZ

The UK DRI Centre at Imperial College London is excited to host this extended, interactive workshop, bringing together leaders in the novel field of temporal interference (TI) brain stimulation. Boasting an impressive line-up of expert speakers, the programme will comprise four sessions addressing distinct themes, a drinks reception, and a networking dinner on the evening of 25 September.

This will be an exclusive meeting for select academic and industrial groups who have been at the forefront of development and/or deployment of TI brain stimulation.

Since the original report on the temporal interference brain stimulation concept (Grossman et al., Cell 2017),  we have seen a novel realm of research emerge, delving into its mechanisms, applications, and improvements. The field has attracted computational and experimental scientists with a broad range of expertise, including Physics, Engineering, Neuroscience, Neurology, and Psychiatry. The transformative potential of TI brain stimulation has garnered notable recognition, including a prestigious award from Science, and has galvanised companies in developing products to support this nascent field. Its promise has also captured the attention of the general public, with coverage from The New York Times, The Guardian, and The Times.

The overarching aim of this workshop is to cultivate a collaborative environment that enhances the field's impact on brain sciences and diseases. Our goal is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, and promote synergistic research among active groups across the world, with a focus on the development of hardware and computational tools, deepening mechanistic knowledge, exploring clinical and preclinical applications, and refining improvement strategies. We hope to highlight accomplishments and to identify opportunities, while also addressing challenges and limitations to help guide better practices and the development of improvement strategies.


Thematic Sessions

The meeting will be divided into thematic sessions. Each session will include a combination of short talks and roundtable or break out group discussions.


Close up of human brain, researcher holding brain in lab with nitrile gloves and lab coat on

Session I

The first session included discussions around concept, our mechanistic understanding and the governing parameters of the technology.

Laptop plugged into monitor with electric current reading on screens

Session II

The second session explored the development and testing of TI tools (hardware and computational) with live demonstrations.

Close up of researchers hands placing electric stimulation nodes on scalp of patient

Session III

The third and final session delved into the translation and applications of TI stimulation, discussing both human and animal investigations, and therapeutic targets.


NeuroDome Logo


Prime Plus Sponsor


Prime Sponsor


TI Solutions

Basic Sponsor

neurocare group AG – neuroConn

Basic Sponsor


Basic Sponsor

Soterix Medical

Basic Sponsor


Basic Sponsor

CloseNIT Network

Basic Sponsor