EDF Energy Flexifund

The EDF FlexiFund was a collaboration between Imperial College London and EDF Energy. The initiative enabled short-term exploratory projects in areas of common interest to both. The expectation from these precursor projects is that they could lead to longer-term research projects in the College.

In June 2015 Energy Futures Lab ran a workshop to faciliate the creation of proposals around three main topic areas:

  • Impact of energy markets regulations and incentives on new generation technologies and new business models
  • Heat electrification and management of electricity system
  • B2B Energy Services

The result was a number of high quality proposals with three chosen to be funded:

  1. Load forecasting of electricity and heat demands in urban areas through agent-based modelling
  2. Multi-scale analysis of low carbon heat supply technologies in urban areas
  3. Driving the evolution of NILM technology

Energy Futures Lab and EDF Energy ran a follow-up programme, the EDF SparkFund, in 2016.

For more information on either please contact Dr Rebeca Santamaria-Fernandez or Dr Francesca Pietra.