Road tripDeciding whether applying to study abroad is the right decision for you is one of the biggest decisions you can make as part of the application process. There are countless reasons why studying abroad is an amazing opportunity and listed below are just several to help you decide:

Live in a new country

Experience an entirely new city, country and culture as only a resident can. Integrate yourself into the local community by getting acquainted with all the different cultures and traditions. Visit some of the most amazing locations on earth: skiing in British Columbia, hiking in Yosemite National Park, relaxing on the beach in Malibu or cycling round the canals of Amsterdam.

Meet New People

One of the many advantages of going abroad is that you are guaranteed to meet a whole new set of people, both academically and socially. Academic contacts made during a year abroad can be invaluable should you decide to carry on with your academic career, opening up a whole realm of opportunities you may not have had, had you stayed at Imperial. Going abroad will give you a whole new level of independence that you can’t get by staying in London. You will have the opportunity to socialise with a whole new group of students, both undergraduate and graduates, who are likely to become great friends for life.

Sample a Different Academic System

Every university specialises in different disciplines and by studying at another university, you have the opportunity to study courses that Imperial cannot offer you. Many of the universities available contain some of the top researchers in the field, giving you the opportunity to study at the cutting edge of science in subjects you might not even have heard of. You also have the opportunity to undertake independent research with professors specialising in your specific area of interest. You may even have the opportunity to publish your research.

Fieldwork Opportunities

Studying abroad gives you the chance to go out and learn about some of the most amazing locations on earth. You’ll get the chance to study parts of the world that most people only dream of being able to see: the Grand Canyon, the Rocky Mountains, the San Andreas Fault or the Alps. You will be able to come away with detailed knowledge of the geology, geophysics and tectonics in areas of the world you otherwise may never have visited.

Academic requirements

To continue to be considered for the Year Abroad degree, students must achieve first-class marks in years 1 and 2.  Students receiving the highest marks are normally given the first pick of the host universities. If there are more students wishing to go than places available, only the top students are considered. Whatever university you attend abroad, it will be of similar standing to Imperial College London and your studies abroad during your third year will count towards your final degree. You will then undertake your fourth year back in London.

Our students currently enjoy the options of studying at

  • UC Berkeley
  • UC Los Angeles
  • Australian National University
  • University of British Columbia
  • University of Utrecht
  • University of Strasbourg*
  • University of Barcelona*

*Fluency in the local language is required to study at these locations.

This list is subject to change depending on individual arrangements with partner institutions.

For more information about multi-mode delivery, your learning experience and the steps we’ll be taking to keep you safe on campus please see our Covid 19 information for applicants and offer holders page or contact Lizzie Day, Admissions Tutor.