city with people walking and traffic

AI for Personalised Respiratory Health and Pollution

Using AI to develop understanding of how air pollution affects our respiratory health, particularly for those with conditions such as asthma. With a focus on individuals, the long-term goal is to empower people with knowledge of their own respiratory health and how it is impacted by their environment to enable them to make positive decisions to protect their health.

About the study

Your health and pollution

99% of the world's population breathe indoor and outdoor air which fails to meet WHO guideline limits for air pollution. This takes approximately 7 million lives globally each year. Furthermore, climate change can increase air pollution through events such as heat waves, drought and wildfires. Health risks include the development and exacerbation of respiratory and heart conditions. Therefore, we aim to create a personalised analysis tool to empower individuals in monitoring and managing their air pollution exposure.

an electronic chip with the letters 'AI'

Artificial Intelligence

We use AI to analyse health data and link respiratory outcomes to pollution, air quality and weather data. Using data from participants' wearables and apps, we will create personalised models predicting individual responses to air pollution. We will also use our new AI-powered air flow models in urban environments to predict how pollutants spread throughout an individual’s environment. There is enormous potential to apply this technology at neighbourhood, city and national level to help make our living environments healthier.

smart watch on person's wrist

Get involved

We need people who are over 18, based in the UK and who have a phone and wear fitness devices such as Fitbit and Garmin or who use Google Fit/Health Connect or Apple Healthkit to join our study to help us develop these models.  The more people involved, the better the models get! 

Find out more in our Participants page.